Online Training Catalog
Public Risk Innovation, Solutions, and Management (PRISM) has partnered with Vector Solutions — the U.S. leader in online, enterprise risk management solutions for public entities — to deliver a web-based training and risk management platform to all members. PRISM Learning is a growing list of online courses available to your organization at no additional cost.PRISM LEARNING
PRISM: Administering Naloxone
This 15-minute micro-course will provide viewers with the knowledge and skills needed to prevent opioid-related deaths by using naloxone, a drug that can reverse an overdose. This training includes a six-point checklist on how to recognize when a person is overdosing and demonstrates how to dispense naloxone and provide post overdose care. This course will also teach viewers:
- How to alert emergency medical services
- How to administer rescue breathing
- How to place the subject in the recovery position
PRISM: Conducting Office Inspections
This course will give users a basic understanding of how to conduct and document office inspections and is meant for any employee in charge of conducting inspections in the workplace or any employee who wants to be more aware of potential hazards present in the office environment. The topics covered are:
- The importance of office inspections
- When to conduct office inspections
- How to conduct office inspections
- How to mitigate hazards
- How to document office inspections
- Continuous improvement through office inspections
PRISM: Employee Home Office Ergonomics
This 15-minute micro-course will provide viewers with basic ergonomic adjustment strategies applicable to any home office workstation environment. This course also provides viewers guidance on creating a more comfortable and productive work environment, including information about setting up a home office workstation (chair, monitor, and keyboard), taking breaks, stretching, and staying connected with colleagues.
Course Duration: 0.25 Hour(s)
Course Duration: 0.25 Hour(s)
PRISM: Home Visitation Safety Basics
This course will teach employees how to reduce the risk associated with the participation of in-home client visits. The topics covered are:
- Introduction – In-home Client Visits
- The Basic Safety Cycle
- Implementing the Basic Safety Cycle
- Prepare for Safety
- Dressing for Safety
- Pre-Visit Preparations
- Advance Notice
- Set Expectations
- Review Client File
- Client Connections
- Daily Work Plan
- Safety During the Visit
- Arriving at the Client’s Home
- Safety in the Client’s Home
- Conduct an Observation Before Entering
- Respect Boundaries
- Strategies for Home Visitor Safety – During the Visit
- Departing the Client’s Home
- Additional Considerations
- Pests and Domestic Pets
- Abuse
- Domestic Violence
- Elder Abuse
- Child Abuse
PRISM: Indoor and Outdoor Heat Illness Prevention
This course meets the Cal/OSHA training requirements of the Heat Illness Prevention regulations for both Indoor (Title 8 Section 3396) and Outdoor (Title 8 Section 3395) places of employment. This training is meant for general employees and not for employees with supervisory duties. The topics covered are:
- Defining heat illness
- The employer’s responsibilities under this regulation
- Note: these are the general responsibilities of employers and this training should be supplemented with your Heat Illness Prevention policy and specific procedures for how these responsibilities will be met (provision of water, shade or cool-down areas, site specific emergency response procedures, etc.).
- How heat illness occurs and how to identify heat illness
- The risk factors contributing to heat illness and how to mitigate some of the risks
- Symptoms and general first aid procedures for heat illness.
PRISM: Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should – Stretching (Part 1 of 3)
This 10-minute micro-course will give viewers a basic understanding of how to properly stretch and warm up before attempting their physically demanding tasks. Incorporating five simple stretches into a pre-shift routine allows employees to prepare their bodies and potentially reduce the likelihood of an injury. The following stretching examples are included:
- Hip Stretch
- Trunk Stretch
- Back Extension
- Front Thigh Stretch
- Hamstring Stretch
PRISM: Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should – How Much Does it Weigh (Part 2 of 3)
This 10-minute micro-course will give viewers a basic understanding of how much force is required to lift common worksite tools and the importance of maintaining a neutral spine when completing these lifts. This course will also give viewers an introduction to the five simple rules for safe lifting.
Course Duration: 10 Minutes
Course Duration: 10 Minutes
PRISM: Just Because You Can, Doesn’t Mean You Should – Simple Rules for Lifting (Part 3 of 3)
This 10-minute micro-course will give viewers a basic understanding of five simple lifting rules that can be used in any situation to help prepare any employee for any lift. The five simple rules are:
Course Duration: 10 Minutes
- Don’t Bend at the Waist
- Don’t Twist at the Waist
- Keep the Object Close to your Torso
- Use Your Legs to Generate the Power
- Put it Down Like You Picked It Up
Course Duration: 10 Minutes
PRISM: Preventing Slip, Trip, and Fall Accidents
This course will provide a basic understanding of same level slip, trip, and fall hazards and the different causation factors associated with these accidents. This course is meant for any employees that are interested in learning more about slips, trips, and falls on the same level and how to prevent these hazards. The topics covered include:
Course Duration: 0.75 Hour(s)
- Slips, trips, and falls introduction
- What causes slips, trips, and falls?
- Housekeeping hazards
- Mitigating wet floor hazards
- Human factors
- Damaged floor
- Injuries
Course Duration: 0.75 Hour(s)
PRISM: Road Inspection for Engineers Part 1
This the first of a two-part program intended to provide guidance on conducting road inspections for engineers.
Roadway safety cannot be achieved without an effective inspection and maintenance program. Local road agencies are charged with reviewing their roads and rights-of-way, identifying hazards, and making conditions safer. This course will provide information on:
Course Duration: 0.75 Hour(s)
- The conditions of roadway asphalt.
- The asphalt rating system and how to determine severity.
- Ways to assure effective road drainage
Course Duration: 0.75 Hour(s)
PRISM: Road Inspection for Engineers Part 2
This is the second of a two-part program intended to provide guidance on conducting road inspections for engineers.
Roadway safety cannot be achieved without an effective inspection and maintenance program. Local road agencies are charged with reviewing their roads and rights-of-way, identifying hazards, and making conditions safer. This course will provide information on:
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
- When and how barriers should be used, and conditions to assess
- The basics of sign content, construction, and care
- Challenges and solutions in managing vegetation along roadways
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
PRISM: Situational Awareness
This course provides applicable information to employees so that they can become more aware of their surroundings and ultimately take steps to ensure their own personal safety both on the job and outside of work. The course covers 6 simple steps to increase situational awareness.
Course Duration: 20 mins / 0.33 Hour(s)
Course Duration: 20 mins / 0.33 Hour(s)
PRISM: Suspicious Mail Handling
This course will provide a basic understanding of the hazards associated with handling mail, how to protect against them, and how to react when suspicious mail is found. This course is meant for any employees or volunteers responsible for handling mail. The topics covered in this course include:
Course Duration: 45 mins / 0.75 Hour(s)
- Best practices for handling mail
- Hazards associated with mail handling
- Identifying suspicious mail
- How to handle suspicious mail
- Hazardous material exposure symptoms
Course Duration: 45 mins / 0.75 Hour(s)
PRISM: Understanding and Responding to First Amendment Audits for Public-facing Employees
This course is meant to provide learners with a basic understanding of First Amendment audits and to equip learners with strategies to appropriately respond to these audits while protecting public perception of the agency.
The topics covered are:
Course Duration: 0.33 Hour(s)
- Defining “first amendment audit”
- Common characteristics of auditors
- Locations where first amendment audits occur
- Appropriate exclusion of first amendment auditors from a public building
- What auditors are entitled to do, and where can they can go
- Best practices for responding to a first amendment audit
Course Duration: 0.33 Hour(s)
PRISM: Valley Fever Awareness
This course will cover the basics of Valley fever including; what Valley fever is and how it is contracted, common signs and symptoms of Valley fever, high risk areas in California, work tasks and personal risk factors that may create a higher risk, exposure prevention methods, the importance of early detection, diagnosis, and treatment, and common treatment and prognosis for Valley fever.
Note: This course covers the training topics required by Labor Code Section 6709 (put into law in 2020 by AB 203).
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
PRISM: Voluntary Respirator Use Training: Filtering Facepiece Respirators (a.k.a. N95)
This course has been designed exclusively for voluntary respirator use based on Cal/OSHA’s Respiratory Protection standard (Title 8 CCR 5144) and demonstrates simple steps that will help workers properly wear a respirator. General respirator use practices are explained and demonstrated, including putting on (donning) a respirator, taking off (doffing) a respirator, and performing seal checks. The course is structured to provide necessary information to workers who have not previously used a respirator, and refresh those who occasionally wear a respirator.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
PRISM: Wildfire Smoke Awareness
Over the last several years California has been affected by large wildfires throughout the state. In response Cal/OSHA has adopted a new standard to protect employees exposed to wildfire smoke. This course provides wildfire smoke awareness information for all outdoor employees and will cover employee training requirements set forth in the Cal/OSHA regulation (Title 8, Section 5141.1) Protecting Workers from Wildfire Smoke, Appendix B. The course will cover: health effects of wildfire smoke, how to obtain AQI information, employer requirements, and respirator importance and use.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)