Occupational Health & Safety
Online Training Catalog
Vector Solutions’ online courses in occupational safety and health are designed to help employers share important information with employees about how to do their jobs safely. With over 90 courses covering a number of different public entity workplaces, you are sure to find something for your agency.
Download Vector Solutions’ Online Course Catalog for
PRISM Members
During the COVID-19 Pandemic, first responders are working tenaciously to support and protect their communities. That is why TargetSolutions is focused on helping public safety leaders create a safe, compliant and operationally effective work environment. Together, with our parent company Vector Solutions, we are committed to providing innovative, world-class technology and support resources that help first responders navigate the challenges they are facing.
Protecting yourself against the coronavirus (COVID-19) starts with getting the right information. By watching this 9-minute course, you will be able to identify how coronavirus spreads, recognize its symptoms, explain how to prevent and treat the virus, and determine what to do if you become sick with coronavirus.
Course Duration: 0.25 Hour(s)
Vector Solutions’ second COVID-19 training course provides practical guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help you get your household ready for community transmission of the disease in the United States. This course outlines actions you can take before an outbreak occurs.
Course Duration: 0.25 Hour(s)
If you’re stressed about COVID-19, you’re not alone. Many deal with fear and anxiety, which can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions. This 9-minute course will help you define stress and anxiety; identify common signs and symptoms; and, identify how to reduce stress for yourself and others during this difficult time.
Course Duration: 0.25 Hour(s)
Working at home can be a challenge for even the most organized people. But with COVID-19 wreaking havoc, it’s necessary. In this 7-minute course, you will be able to list best practices for leadership when transitioning to a remote workforce; list best practices for working remotely; and, identify pitfalls to avoid during the transition.
Course Duration: 0.25 Hour(s)
Staying safe from contamination is paramount during the COVID-19 health crisis. Knowing how to clean and disinfect your common spaces can prevent the disease from spreading. In this 8-minute course, get practical guidance from the CDC for cleaning and disinfecting rooms or areas where those with confirmed COVID-19 have visited.
Course Duration: 0.25 Hour(s)
This nearly 8-minute course will help you learn the steps for creating a sewn cloth face covering; learn the steps for creating a non-sewn cloth face covering; and, identify best practices for wearing a cloth face covering.
Course Duration: 0.25 Hour(s)
Are you considering reopening your business? The CDC has released guidance to help organizations make reopening decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially to protect vulnerable workers. It is important to check with state and local health officials to determine the most appropriate actions that are unique to your community. This interactive online course will provide you with practical guidance from the CDC to help get your organization ready to reopen.
Course Duration: 0.10 Hour(s)
This 8-minute video provides information about the science of vaccines, including the COVID-19 messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines that help protect against the coronavirus.
Course Duration: 0.10 Hour(s)
As the coronavirus continues to evolve, it is important to understand the characteristics of virus variants, and the variants that are prevalent in the world today. This interactive online course will teach you about the characteristics of variants, including the Delta variant. You will also learn about the current variants prevalent in the world today.
Course Duration: 0.25 Hour(s)
Ensure a safe work environment with required training in bloodborne pathogens safety, hazard communication, back injury prevention and more.
Did you know that one of every five workplace fatalities is a construction worker? Despite its high fatality rate, construction can be a safe occupation when workers are aware of the hazards, and use an effective Safety and Health Program. This course is intended to provide employees and supervisors a general understanding of the topics outlined in the OSHA 10-Hour Construction Safety Outreach Program. Since workers are the target audience, the course will generally emphasize the following: 1) hazard identification, 2) avoidance, and 3) control. Although general standards may be referenced, the course will not over emphasize the use of standards per se. No attempt has been made to treat the topics exhaustively.
Course Duration: 2 Hour(s) Each
Employers are required to develop and implement Hazardous Waste Operations (HAZWOPER) training to inform workers (including contractors and subcontractors) performing hazardous waste operations to the level and degree of exposure they are likely to encounter. Training must be conducted initially and annually thereafter.
NOTE: This training program consists of four learning modules. To maximize knowledge on the topic, it is recommended that you take all four modules.
Course Duration: 2 Hour(s) Each
Airborne pathogens are serious threats to employees in many different environments. They can spread rapidly from a single infected individual to cause infection in many others in the vicinity. This course is based on the Cal/OSHA ATD standard and is geared toward familiarizing employees with relevant topics in the standard. Topics such as the modes of transmission of ATDs, signs and symptoms of ATDs, identifying workplace exposures, and strategies to reduce infections all receive full treatment. The importance of respiratory protection, disinfection and decontamination, as well as vaccination, and post-exposure care are also covered.
NOTE TO EMPLOYERS: In addition to the topics introduced in this course, the ATD standard requires that training be tailored to the unique demands of each workplace and include a specific look at what exposures your employees face in your workplace. Employees must also be provided with copies of the ATD standard and the ATD Exposure Control Plan and/or Biosafety Plan used in your workplaces as well as notification of how they can provide input as to its effectiveness.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Alcohol, a very simple molecule, is one of the most widely used drugs in the world. Like other general anesthetics, alcohol is a central nervous system depressant. When alcohol is consumed, it is distributed throughout the body and exerts most of its effects in the brain. In general, its effects are proportional to its concentration in the blood. It is estimated that alcohol abuse costs society an estimated $116 billion a year and is associated with up to half of all traffic fatalities. In the workplace, the costs associated with alcohol abuse include increased absences, accidents, and errors. This training course has 12 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Anhydrous ammonia is a chemical compound composed of nitrogen and hydrogen that has been liquefied and compressed into a gas. It is used as fertilizer, in power plants, and as a refrigerant. This course describes what anhydrous ammonia is and how it is used in general industry.
This course also discusses the permissible exposure limits of anhydrous ammonia, the personal protective equipment that should be worn when working with or around anhydrous ammonia, handling precautions, as well as emergency response procedures.
Course Duration: 0.25 Hour(s)
Since the beginning of the 20th century, asbestos has come into wide use in a variety of materials: building insulation, friction products such as brake shoes and brake pads, and fireproof textiles. An estimated 1.3 million employees in construction and general industries face significant asbestos exposure on the job. Heaviest exposures today occur in the construction industry, particularly during the removal of asbestos during renovation or demolition.
Asbestos standards determined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration and Environmental Protection Agency overlap, and both sets of standards are relevant for regulation of asbestos removal and managing the effects of exposure to asbestos. This course has 12 lessons and a 10-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course reviews asbestos awareness fundamentals for maintenance and custodial staff (custodians, electricians, heating/air conditioning engineers, plumbers, and so on) who may work in a building with Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM). Whether they work with ACM or not, their knowledge in this area will help prevent unintended exposures to asbestos to them, their fellow workers, and community members. With awareness, they will be able to recognize hazards and risks of exposure and initiate processes so qualified personnel can isolate and fix the problem. Click here for a transcript of this course.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
If you work with heavy loads or repeatedly twist to move materials from one location to another, you may be at a greater risk of back injury. Back injuries are suffered by more than one million workers every year, account for twenty percent of all workplace injuries, and cost companies billions of dollars.
This course will help prevent back injuries at your workplace by raising awareness about the common causes of acute and cumulative back injuries, signs and symptoms of back injuries, and the engineering and administrative controls that can be implemented to prevent back injuries.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
The OSHA BBP Standard is a published set of regulations designed to protect you against the health hazards of exposure to bloodborne pathogens — exposures that may cause diseases that may be transmitted by blood or other body fluids. The OSHA BBP Standard requires that controls and compliance methods be put in place by employers and followed by employees in order to eliminate or minimize the scope of the exposure. These controls and compliance methods must be included by law in your employer’s BBP Exposure Control Plan. In addition, OSHA requires training for any employee whose job duties may potentially involve contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials on the job.
This training is divided into 3 topics: In Topic 1, we will discuss the OSHA BBP Standard and your employer’s Exposure Control Plan, which outlines the protective measures your employer will take to eliminate or to minimize your exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. In Topic 2, will discuss the OSHA BBP Standard in terms of specific pathogens, including Hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis C virus, and HIV. In Topic 3 , we will discuss the benefits of the Hepatitis B vaccination and the OSHA requirements of what to do if you are exposed to bloodborne pathogens in the workplace. Employees covered under OSHA’s bloodborne pathogens standard include health care workers in medical, dental, and laboratory settings who have the potential for occupational exposure, including housekeeping and maintenance personnel.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Bloodborne pathogen (BBP) exposures occur every day, and you may not even notice. Workers who frequently handle blood, bodily fluids, materials contaminated with blood or bodily fluids, and medical waste are exposed to BBP infections at a higher rate than the general working population.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
In the event of an emergency every second counts. The safe orderly and prompt evacuation or relocation of building occupants depends on good planning and training. The goal of this course is to provide building occupants with information about emergency response plans and procedures in the event of any type of emergency. This training course has 7 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course reviews the fundamentals of the Cal/OSHA Bloodborne Pathogen Standard.
Workers who may be exposed to bloodborne pathogens are required to be trained annually to recognize and be able to take protective measures to avoid and prevent exposure to bloodborne pathogen diseases.
In this course, the learner will understand what the bloodborne pathogen standard is and safe work practices to recognize and prevent bloodborne pathogen exposure.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course reviews the fundamentals of the Cal/OSHA Hearing Conservation Program requirements contained in the California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 5097. Hearing Conservation Program (HCP). This standard applies to any workplace with significant occupational noise exposure. Audience: General industry employees Prerequisite: None Regulatory Reference: California Code of Regulations, Title 8, Section 5097.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course will instruct general industry employees on Respiratory Protection. This course meets the training requirements found in the Cal/OSHA Respiratory Protection standard found in 8 CCR 5144. During this course, employees will learn about the different types of respirators, how to select a respirator, medical evaluation, fit testing requirements, use, maintenance and care, cleaning, disinfecting, storing, and repairs. This course is not intended for voluntary use respirator training.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course will examine the legal expectations spelled out in SB 553 and the responsibilities the legislation places on employers. After taking this course, you should know what violence in the workplace is, understand how to respond to it, be familiar with how to report it, and identify the legal obligations that an employer has to keep workers safe. **FOR SPANISH THE USER WILL NEED TO CHANGE THE PLAYER LANGUAGE TO SPANISH THROUGH THE LANGUAGE TOGGLE IN THE UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER OF THE COURSE PLAYER**
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This module covers the two primary hazards associated with flammable and combustible liquids: explosion and fire. In order to prevent these hazards, this course and the standard upon which it is based (29 CFR 1910.106), address the primary concerns of design and construction, ventilation, ignition sources, and storage. This training course has 8 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
It’s only DUST! What’s the big deal? Under the right conditions, many types of industrial dust, including coal, paper, and wood dust, can ignite and produce a devastating explosion. With our Combustible Dusts course, you’ll learn to identify the hazards of combustible dust by using the Dust Fire and Explosion Pentagon. You’ll get a clear understanding of dust control and preventions measures as well as dust analysis and explosion risk reduction.
Our course will also help identify additional risks and prevention techniques associated with primary and secondary dust explosions.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course provides the information employees need to handle and transport these potentially volatile storage containers. The program reminds employees to work safely and avoid injuries when handling compressed air and gas. This training course has 9 learning modules with a 10-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
During the course of employment, you may be exposed to the hazards associated with confined space operations. This course provides awareness level training for activities related to confined space entry. Additional training at your job site is recommended in order to gain a better understanding of the confined spaces at your place of employment. This training course has 14 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
A confined space is defined as a work area which has sufficient space for a person to fit within and perform work, limited means of entry and exit, and a design that was not intended for continuous worker occupancy. Working in a confined space can present hazardous atmospheres and physical dangers to employees.
There are two types of confined spaces: Non-permit Required Confined Spaces and Permit-required Confined Spaces. This course will describe the dangers, best practices, and permit requirements necessary when working in a permit-required confined space.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Each year approximately 250,000 people die of sudden cardiac arrest in the United States. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a combination of rescue breathing and chest compressions delivered to victims thought to be in cardiac arrest. During cardiac arrest, the heart stops pumping blood, blood pressure falls to zero, and the pulse stops. Within 10 seconds a victim may lose consciousness and become unresponsive. CPR helps circulate blood that contains oxygen to the brain and other vital organs and can help “buy time” until help arrives. This course highlights how to recognize the signs of cardiac arrest, how and when to perform CPR, and how to use an AED to help a person in cardiac arrest.
This course is meant to supplement CPR training conducted by the American Heart Association. It is not to be used as the primary guide for patient care. Please contact the American Heart Association for the hands-on class information.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Crystalline silica are very small particles of hazardous dust that can cause severe scarring of your lungs and possibly lead to death. This interactive online course will teach you how to recognize materials which may contain crystalline silica dust. Additionally you will learn how to stay compliant with OSHA regulations pertaining to crystalline silica. You will also learn about hazardous control techniques for silica exposure.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This training course was designed to provide managers and employees with basic concepts of diet and nutrition. Your job is important to you and your family. Proper nutrition is a means of staying at a job so that one can provide for his or her family. These lessons are designed to give you information so that your life will be healthy. This training course has 14 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Regulations related to the transportation of hazardous materials are contained in Title 49 of the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) in Parts 171-180 of Title 49 regulate the transportation of hazardous materials in commerce by motor vehicle, rail car, aircraft, or waterborne vessel.
The HMR include classification, labeling, packaging, handling, loading and unloading requirements, in addition to standards for hazmat training, incident reporting, hazard communication, and security.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Traffic accidents are a leading cause of incidental deaths among US workers. This training course presents information to aid employees in operating vehicles safely. This program could save your life or that of a coworker! This training program has 13 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Drug abuse can have dangerous and costly effects in the workplace. This course highlights these impacts and provides useful information about the different types of drugs that are commonly abused and how to evaluate each element and subsidiary component of a safety and health program. This training course has 11 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Employees who do not have a basic understanding of electrical safety are often exposed to dangers associated with hazardous energy sources.
In addition, the servicing and maintenance of equipment may expose employees to these hazardous energy sources. Annual electrical safety training is vitally important in providing you with the information required to prevent an electrical accident from happening.
This training course has 8 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Eye injuries cost industry $300 million each year in compensation and lost work time. The loss of sight can be devastating and is easily preventable. A recent survey by the Bureau of Labor Statistics found that three out of five workers who suffered an eye injury wore no eye protection. Of those who did, 40% wore the wrong kind. You should wear safety eyewear whenever there is any chance that machines or operations present the hazard of flying objects, chemicals, harmful radiation or a combination of these or other hazards.
This course reviews the selection of appropriate eyewear and basic first aid for the eye. This training course has 8 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Working at elevated heights presents a serious danger of falling. Falls can be caused by inattentiveness, slippery surfaces, working in awkward or out-of-balance positions, or insufficient training.
This course highlights numerous methods of prevention and protection, including fall arrest systems, the equipment associated with fall prevention and protection systems, vertical and horizontal lifelines, as well as inspection and maintenance guidelines. This course also discusses associated topics such as the proper procedure for putting on a body harness, lifeline swing hazards, calculating fall space clearance, and harness suspension syndrome.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Each year falls consistently account for the greatest number of fatalities in the construction industry and are a major concern in other industries. Events surrounding these types of accidents often involve a number of factors including unstable working surfaces, misuse of fall protection equipment and human error. Studies have shown that the use of guardrails, fall arrest systems, safety nets, covers and travel restriction systems can prevent many deaths and injuries from falls. This training course has 12 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Hand portable fire extinguishers are considered the first line of fire defense for fires of limited size. They represent the most portable firefighting equipment available and are used primarily to suppress small, incipient stage, accessible fires before these fires have the opportunity to grow in size and intensity. This training program has 12 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
The standards and regulations written by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) identify topics that employees must be familiar with in respect to the prevention of fires and what to do when there is a fire.
Supervisors are responsible for providing the information employees need to reduce the risk of fire at work and to know what to do if there is a fire. Fire prevention is the term used to take proactive measures to reduce the potential for a fire to start. Every work place will have varying general and unique elements in their fire prevention plan. This training program has 11 learning modules with a ten- question exam.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Alcohol and drug overdoses are serious situations at work. They can lead to poor job performance, workplace violence, severe injuries, and even death. In this course, you’ll learn some common types of drugs that can be overdosed on, symptoms of alcohol and drug overdoses, best practices for interacting with someone who’s overdosed on alcohol or drugs, and first aid to help the person who’s overdosed.
Course Duration: .25 Hour(s)
People can receive bites or scratches from small animals, larger animals including livestock and large predatory animals, and even other humans. All of these may be situations that require at least simple, basic first aid, and in some cases they may require additional emergency medical care. In this course, you’ll learn the basics of what to do if someone is bitten or scratched by a small animal, livestock, a larger predatory animal, or another person.
Course Duration: .5 Hour(s)
In some first aid situations, the victim’s heart will be beating too quickly or in an irregular manner. In cases like these, an automated external defibrillator, also known as an AED, can be used to shock the person’s heart back into a normal rhythm. In this course, you’ll learn when and how to use an AED, including an automatic AED and a semi-automatic AED.
Course Duration: .53 Hour(s)
Did you know that the %231 cause of preventable death after an injury is bleeding? There are certain cases when a person is bleeding that are always emergencies. These include extreme blood loss, amputations, abdominal evisceration wounds, sucking chest wounds, and internal bleeding. This course explains the importance of calling for emergency medical assistance in these situations and lists the appropriate steps of first aid to provide.
Course Duration: .53 Hour(s)
People can have difficulty breathing for many reasons; these can be universally referred to as breathing emergencies. Breathing emergencies can be caused by choking, a punctured lung, an allergic reaction, exposure to chemicals or other toxins, asthma, and other causes. In this course you’ll learn more about the causes of breathing emergencies, symptoms of breathing emergencies, how to provide first aid, and you’ll get guidance on calling for emergency medical assistance.
Course Duration: .25 Hour(s)
Broken and dislocated bones are a common injury in all walks of life, including at the workplace. By following safe work practices, properly guarding hazards, and wearing appropriate PPE, these injuries can be avoided. However, in some cases, broken bones will still occur. In this course you’ll learn some different types of broken bones and dislocations and how to provide first aid for them. You’ll also get some guidelines for when it’s necessary to summon emergency medical assistance to transport the person for additional medical care after first aid is provided.
Course Duration: .25 Hour(s)
Burns are a common occurrence in life, including at work. These may be something as simple as a sunburn or as frightening as a radiation burn. Burns are generally discussed in terms of their severity—first degree, second degree, and third degree. In this course, you’ll learn how to prevent burns from occurring at work, how to recognize the degree of a burn, how to provide first aid for different degrees of burns, and how to provide first aid for special types of burns, including electrical burns, burns from chemical spills, and thermal (heat) burns.
Course Duration: .37 Hour(s)
If a person’s not breathing and their heart is not beating, they can die or suffer permanent brain damage very quickly. In situations like this, it’s important to know how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR. This course explains when and how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The proper process for providing Hands-Only CPR is also explained.
Course Duration: .25 Hour(s)
Dehydration can be a serious health concern and if severe enough, can even be fatal. This course explains ways to stay properly hydrated, explains how people get dehydrated and symptoms of dehydration, and explains first aid techniques for mild and severe dehydration.
Course Duration: .28 Hour(s)
Diabetes is a disease that is becoming increasingly more common in the United States and in other parts of the world. As a result, the chances that you or a coworker may suffer from a diabetes-related health emergency have increased as well. In this course, you’ll get a basic idea of what diabetes is, learn how to recognize symptoms of a diabetes-related health crisis, and will learn some tips for providing first aid to a person suffering from a diabetic emergency, including both high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) and low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
Course Duration: .5 Hour(s)
A person’s eye can be injured easily while on the job. As a result, safety glasses or similar eye and face protection is important when appropriate. In addition, however, workers should know how to provide first aid for eye injuries suffered at work. This course covers first aid for eye injuries from chemicals, cuts and scratches, and for objects embedded in the eye, and provides general procedures for using safety showers and safety eyewashes.
Course Duration: .3 Hour(s)
Fire ants are aggressive ants that sometimes bite and sting. This course explains where in the U.S. fire ants are most commonly found and, within those regions, the types of areas you’re most likely to find them. It gives tips for bite/sting prevention, and discusses first aid procedures for bites and stings, including first aid for people who are allergic to the bites and stings.
Course Duration: .25 Hour(s)
Flying insects, such as bees, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, and even so-called “killer bees” are common throughout the United States. In most cases, they aren’t aggressive and they don’t seek to sting humans. However, when stings do occur, they’re typically minor and require only limited first aid. In other cases, however, especially if the person who’s stung is allergic to the sting, or if the person is stung many times, the situation can be quite severe or even potentially fatal. In this course, you’ll learn how to avoid being stung by flying insects, what to do if someone has been stung and is having a mild reaction, and what to do in the event of a severe reaction to a flying insect sting, including what to do if the stung person is allergic.
Course Duration: .25 Hour(s)
Did you know that work-related traumatic brain injuries account for 20-25% of work-related trauma? Head injuries are common at work. In some cases, they can be quite minor, but in others, they can be very serious or even deadly. In this course, you’ll learn some tips for avoiding head injuries, how to recognize a concussion, how to provide first aid for minor and more serious head injuries, and how to provide first aid if the person has lost consciousness.
Course Duration: .18 Hour(s)
Did you know that work-related traumatic brain injuries account for 20-25% of work-related trauma? Head injuries are common at work. In some cases, they can be quite minor, but in others, they can be very serious or even deadly. In this course, you’ll learn some tips for avoiding head injuries, how to recognize a concussion, how to provide first aid for minor and more serious head injuries, and how to provide first aid if the person has lost consciousness.
Course Duration: .17 Hour(s)
Heart attacks and cardiac arrest are both health emergencies involving the heart. They are relatively common in America and they can lead to death if the person doesn’t get rapid first aid followed up by prompt medical care. This course explains what heart attacks and cardiac arrest are, how to recognize their symptoms, how to provide first aid, and the importance of summoning additional medical care for people suffering heart attacks and cardiac arrest.
Course Duration: .25 Hour(s)
It’s not always clear what to do in a situation that requires first aid. Especially if it’s an emergency situation. This course spells it out, providing guidelines for what to do in an emergency first aid situation, and the order in which to do them. The course introduces a method called “DR. ABC” that stands for looking for danger before responding; checking to see if the victim is responsive; checking to see if the victim’s airway is clear; checking to see if the victim is breathing; and checking to see if the victim’s circulatory system is working. The course also explains the purpose (and limits) of emergency first aid, and the importance of summoning emergency medical assistance. Finally, it provides some general legal information about providing first aid.
Course Duration: .53 Hour(s)
The word “poison” is a general term used to describe a substance that can cause illness or death. Poisons can include many things, including medicines, drugs, household products, workplace chemicals, plant and animal toxins, and gases. Poisons can be ingested, inhaled, injected, or absorbed into the body. This course explains what poisons are, lists some common poisons, gives tips for preventing exposure to poisons, explains the importance of contacting a Poison Control Center in the event of a poisoning, and explains first aid procedures for poison exposures.
Course Duration: .25 Hour(s)
A seizure is caused when there is sudden, abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Causes of seizures include diseases, such as epilepsy, brain injuries, fever, and reactions to drugs. Although most seizures are brief and cause no lasting harm, some seizures may be prolonged, presenting both immediate danger and long-term effects. In this course, you’ll learn about the symptoms and causes of seizures as well as first aid to provide a person experiencing a seizure.
Course Duration: .25 Hour(s)
When a person goes into shock, it can be a very serious and even fatal health situation. As a result, this course will explain some reasons people go into shock, list some symptoms of shock, explain first aid to provide to someone in shock, and note the importance of calling for qualified medical assistance to aid someone in shock.
Course Duration: .17 Hour(s)
Bites from snakes of any type can be hazardous and require first aid. This is especially true with bites from poisonous snakes. This course focuses on first aid for bites from the four most common poisonous snakes in the United States: rattlesnakes, water moccasins, coral snakes, and copperheads. Information focuses on snake identification, bite prevention, and proper first aid.
Course Duration: .25 Hour(s)
Spider bites are typically minor issues, but they can be more serious. And that’s especially true in the U.S. if the spider is a black widow, a brown recluse, or a hobo spider. In this course, you’ll learn basic first aid for minor spider bites. In addition, you’ll learn what black widows, brown recluses, and hobo spiders look like; where in the U.S. they tend to live; the kind of areas they’re commonly found in; why they tend to bite and how to avoid their bites; proper PPE to wear when in an area they may live in; symptoms of their bites; first aid for their bites; and the importance of calling for qualified medical care if one of these three spiders has bitten someone.
Course Duration: .25 Hour(s)
Sprains and strains aren’t the most serious injury a person can experience at work, but they are among the most common. This course explains what sprains and strains are, explains the RICE method for training sprains and strains, and gives tips on when a person with a strain or sprain should seek additional medical care.
Course Duration: .18 Hour(s)
A stroke is a serious medical issue requiring emergency medical assistance. This course explains some causes and types of strokes, lists common stroke symptoms, introduces the American Stroke Association’s F.A.S.T. method for identifying stroke symptoms and calling for first aid, and provides first aid procedures.
Course Duration: .2 Hour(s)
People can lose consciousness for many reasons. This course explains some of the most common reasons, explains the importance of calling for qualified medical assistance, and gives tips for providing first aid.
Course Duration: .25 Hour(s)
This course is designed to be a refresher for the Operations Level Responder to Hazardous Materials Incidents, meeting the requirements of NFPA 472 and 29 CFR 1910.120(q). The course is divided into four modules. Each module should take approximately two hours to complete.
The first module covers how to survey a hazmat spill or incident; how to collect hazard and response information with MSDSs, labels, and markings; and how to identify the various transport containers and storage tanks used for hazardous materials.
The second module covers the chemical and physical properties of materials and their impact on storage and transport containers; response objectives, including how to assess the risk to a responder for each hazard class; and how to determine the suitability of SCBA and personal protective equipment.
The third module covers the principles of site management, how to establish and enforce control zones, and tactics for emergency decontamination. It will discuss common types of releases and how to deal with them, and how to conduct defensive operations such as damming and diking and air monitoring.
The fourth module covers incident management systems and the first responder’s role in a response plan. It will also cover the potential for terrorist attacks, typical agents used in a terrorist event, and the appropriate response tactics.
Course Duration: 2 Hour(s) Each
This course will teach flagger roles and responsibilities for jobs that are close to traffic, which may include streets, highways, or any place with public motorized vehicle access. After its completion, individuals will be knowledgeable in flagging and will be able to recognize and eliminate hazardous conditions that prevent injuries to employees, motorists, and pedestrians, while safely protecting public property. Audience: Prerequisite: None Regulatory Reference: None
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course provides important information on flammable and combustible liquids found in a variety of industrial workplaces. Based on OSHA standards, this course helps raise awareness of the potential hazards presented by common workplace products while offering practical instruction on labeling, storage, handling, and managing spills and waste to help establish safe work habits for yourself and your team.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Many companies fail to realize that all forklift operators must be trained, authorized and certified per OSHA regulations. Failure to properly train and certify employees involved in forklift operations exposes employers to citations and monetary penalties, as well as an increased exposure to incidents caused by untrained operators. This course introduces basic forklift safety. This training course has 12 learning modules with a 10-question exam.
NOTE: This course must be supplemented by an assessment of hands-on performance of work tasks. These are services that TargetSolutions does not provide and should be procured through your management or training coordinator.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
There are many ways to prevent incidents from occurring. Full attention must be given by employees to all aspects of work to prevent injuries and illness from occurring. Having a good understanding of basic construction safety is important. Various areas of construction safety will be covered in each of the following lessons. This training course has 9 learning modules with a 10-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
First aid is the basic medical knowledge that could save a life. The risks involved with daily life may call for immediate action and you may be the only one capable of doing it. First aid will never replace professional medical care, but many injuries will only require first aid care. This course covers basic first aid techniques, including care for childbirth, chest pain, and stroke.
The first part of the two-part series has 14 learning modules with a ten-question exam and the second part has 15 learning modules with a 10-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
First aid is the basic medical knowledge that could save a life. The risks involved with daily life may call for immediate action and you may be the only one capable of doing it. First aid will never replace professional medical care, but many injuries will only require first aid care. This course covers basic first aid techniques, including care for insect bites, injuries, burns, and poisonings.
This course is Part 2 of a two-part series. This training program has 15 learning modules with a 10-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Ergonomics, also known as human factors, is the science concerned with understanding the interactions between humans and other parts of a system, in an effort to minimize the physical and psychological stresses which are part of every workplace environment. Ergonomics applies information regarding a worker’s capacity and capability to the design of jobs, products, workplaces, and equipment.
This course presents background information on office ergonomics and discusses how to evaluate and control ergonomic hazards, including detailed information on proper computer workstation practices. This training course has 13 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Tools are such a common part of our lives that it is difficult to remember that they may pose hazards. All tools are manufactured with safety in mind but, tragically, a serious incident often occurs before steps are taken to search out and avoid or eliminate tool-related hazards.
In the process of removing or avoiding the hazards, workers must learn to recognize the hazards associated with the different types of tools and the safety precautions necessary to prevent those hazards. This training course has 8 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Unprotected hands can result in severe burns, cuts, punctures, and loss of fingers. This interactive online course will teach you ways to increase hand safety through the use of workplace assessments and the identification of hazardous environments. You will also learn how to select the proper type of glove for the hazard you might encounter.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Exposure to hazardous chemicals can present numerous dangers to workers. More than 30 million workers are exposed to one or more chemical hazards across various industrial sectors. And with hundreds of new hazardous chemicals being introduced annually in addition to the estimated 650,000 already existing hazardous chemical products, the risk is increasing every year. This poses a serious problem for many workers and their employers.
OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), sometimes referred to as the Right-to-Know regulation, is designed to ensure that information about these dangers is shared with those who need to know. Chemical manufacturers, distributors, and importers must convey hazard information to downstream employers by means of labels on containers and safety data sheets (SDSs). In addition, all covered employers must have a hazard communication program to get this information to their employees through labels on containers, SDSs, and training. This course covers the HCS with an emphasis on what it is and how to comply, and incorporates recent changes made to the standard in accordance with the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals. HCS provides guidelines to help prevent chemical hazard incidents and the adverse health effects that may result.
This training course has 9 learning modules with a 10-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Chemicals can pose a danger to your health and the environment. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that there could be as many as 650,000 chemicals in use in the United States, and these chemicals are in over 5 million workplaces. This means that there are over 40 million American workers potentially exposed to hazardous chemicals while at their jobs. This interactive online course explores the various methods that employers use to communicate information about hazardous chemicals in the workplace. You will learn requirements for labeling chemical containers and how to use Safety Data Sheets to identify chemical hazards in your workplace. Additionally, you will learn about employee safety training and hazard communication requirements.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
This course covers what composes a hazardous material and presents the requirements for the general handling, storage and disposal of hazardous materials. It covers what a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is and how to recognize the information contained in an SDS. It teaches you to recognize the special response procedures necessary to handle hazardous materials spills, covers personal protective equipment (PPE) and why you’d use it. It also identifies the procedures for cleaning up a hazardous material spill. This training course has 7 learning modules with a 10-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Preventing spills, fires and explosions of hazardous materials during transportation is a major goal of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). In order to protect the environment, the public and employees from such incidents, DOT has developed and adopted rigorous standards for packaging and identifying hazardous materials that are shipped by any mode of transportation. This module will briefly discuss general DOT classifications and requirements for packaging and shipping hazardous materials. The DOT standards must be followed if you ship hazardous chemicals or samples by any means of transportation. DOT standards must also be followed for any chemical, sample, or hazardous material you may take with you (or check in your baggage) on a flight by scheduled or chartered aircraft. This training course has 14 learning modules with a 10-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This training course was designed to provide employees with basic concepts of health and wellness. Your job is important to you and your family. Good health is a means of staying at a job so that one can provide for his or her family.
These lessons are designed to give you information so that your life will be healthy. Topics include mental health, stress, physical activity, stretching, burning calories and much more. This training course has 7 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most common occupational diseases and the second most self- reported occupational illness or injury. The extent of hearing damage depends on the loudness of noise to which you are subjected and the length of time you are exposed.
Unprotected, continued exposure to loud noise, defined by OSHA as noise levels over 85 decibels (averaged over an 8-hour time period), can damage the hair cells of the inner ear and result in permanent hearing loss. At these noise levels, a company must have a Hearing Conservation Program.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Heat stress can take a number of different forms, including heat rash, heat cramps, heat syncope (fainting), heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Each of these conditions has its own signs, symptoms, and treatments. This course will help you to recognize each condition, and to know which ones require simple corrective actions, like taking a break, and which ones may require a trip to the hospital.
Course Duration: 0.33 Hour(s)
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012 ended with over 35 million people worldwide living with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Each year, around 2.7 million people become infected with HIV and 2 million die of AIDS.
The AIDS epidemic continues to be a serious public health problem with profound consequences for our society, as there is no vaccine or cure for this disease. This course provides information regarding this devastating disease as well as ways to protect yourself and your employees from this and other bloodborne pathogens.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
This course will introduce and describe the characteristics and locations of hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S). It will discuss the health hazards of (H 2 S) and show you how to protect yourself with the use of respirators and proper labeling. You will learn what to do in the event of an (H 2 S) emergency and how to train employees on hazards, protection, and response.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Thousands of incidents occur throughout the United States every day. The failure of people, equipment, supplies or surroundings to behave or react as expected, causes most of the incidents. Incident investigations determine how and why these failures occur.
This course introduces techniques for investigating an incident and documenting the results of the investigation. This training course has 7 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Concerns with Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) have increased since energy conservation measures were instituted in office buildings during the 1970s minimizing the infiltration of outside air and contributing to the buildup of indoor air contaminants. IAQ generally refers to the quality of the air in an office environment. Other terms related to IAQ include Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) and “Sick Building Syndrome.”
This course highlights the causes and effects of poor indoor air quality. This training course has 6 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Human factors/ergonomics is the study of the interaction of the worker and the job in an effort to minimize physical and psychological stress in the workplace. It applies information regarding worker’s capacities and capabilities to the design of jobs, products, workplaces and equipment.
This course introduces the general principles of occupational ergonomics, as well as how to prevent repetitive stress injuries (RSIs) and how to recognize the warning signs of RSIs. This training course has 9 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Many of the health and safety programs and procedures in this Health and Safety Guide are derived from federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. This course provides you with some background information about OSHA and OSHA standards, inspections, citations, and penalties. At the end of this course, you will be able to distinguish between the role of OSHA and the role of the office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS). Learn more about the role of OSHA in establishing a safe and secure work environment
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), recognizing the unique characteristics of the laboratory workplace, tailored a standard for occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals in laboratories to include approximately 934,000 employees in 34,214 industrial, clinical, and academic laboratories. This course describes the requirements of the Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories, including the written chemical hygiene plan to ensure employees are protected from all potentially hazardous chemicals in use in their work area(s). This training course has 14 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Ladders come in an array of shapes and sizes designed to fit specific needs. Some ladders are designed for specific projects and fixed on buildings while others can be taken from job site to job site. This 1-hour interactive online course discusses stepladders, portable ladders, fixed ladders, and all OSHA safety equipment requirements to keep you and your employees out of harms way. Ladders are often times not sufficient at a job site and either stairways must be built or existing stairs utilized. When such circumstances arise there are similar OSHA requirements that must be followed to ensure that accidents don’t happen. At the completion of this course you will be familiar with these requirements and be capable of putting your knowledge to good use on the job.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This module covers the activities related to ladders and scaffolding and provides basic safety instructions to protect workers from the hazards associated with ladders and scaffolding. Construction of all ladders and scaffolds should conform to the provisions of the applicable state, provincial or local codes, whichever are most restrictive. Special-use climbing equipment, such as a combination stepladder-work platform, also must comply with the applicable codes.
This training course has 8 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Lasers are used every day. They are used in grocery store scanners, auto repair shops for alignments and laser-point pens. Lasers have made it easier for employees to track inventory, conduct research and enhance presentations. They have become common in the workplace and are used in research, medical and other industries. Most lasers are capable of causing eye injury to anyone who looks directly into the beam or through reflective conditions.
This course will introduce you to the basic hazards involved with using lasers and how to prevent potential injuries. This training course has 10 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
The U.S. worker is exposed to lead through a variety of occupational tasks and locations. When lead enters the body it creates an elevated blood lead level (BLL), which can affect the kidneys, liver, nervous system, and cause other damage.
This interactive online course presents lead regulations you should know, as well as important information about exposure control and testing and lead abatement.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Lock-out/tag-out procedures safeguard employees from hazardous energy while they are performing service or maintenance on machines and equipment. The procedures necessary to shut down and lock- out or tag-out machines and equipment require that employees receive training, conduct periodic inspections and maintain the energy control program.
This training course has 9 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Accidents can happen anytime and anywhere and can result in equipment damage, personal injury, or even death. A potential, but preventable, cause of accidents is failing to properly isolate equipment before servicing or maintaining it. Ensuring that equipment is safe to work on is critical as uncontrolled hazardous energy cause unexpected startups or releases of stored energy that can be hazardous to workers. In this interactive online course we will discuss hazardous energy. We will review OSHA lockout/tagout standards and procedures, and describe employee training and inspections necessary for an energy control program.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
In today’s fast-paced environment, employees are not always aware of the fact that hazards exist in the office setting – hazards that can result in serious injuries. In fact, statistics have shown that a majority of accidents and injuries occur in the office environment. Most employees work in a variety of settings and when they are made aware of the potential hazards that exist, they can then take the appropriate steps to avoid injury and help other employees to do the same.
This training course has 9 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
The purpose of PPE is to shield or isolate individuals from the chemical, physical and biological hazards that may be encountered. This course describes the different types of PPE, as well as how to select and maintain PPE.This training course has 14 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This training course was designed to provide managers and employees with basic concepts of radiation and radiation protection. At your job site, part of your job may be to protect people’s health and the environment from harmful exposure to radiation.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This training course was designed to provide managers and employees with basic concepts of radiation and radiation protection. At your job site, part of your job may be to protect people’s health and the environment from harmful exposure to radiation.
This training course has 10 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This training program will present and discuss the three basic methods used to evaluate safety and health program effectiveness. This training course has 10 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Utility vehicles are unquestionably useful for transporting people and materials. However, accidents can happen if they are not used properly. For example, the vehicle can tip over if you overload it or drive too fast. To minimize the risk of accidents, you must know how to use and maintain the vehicle. There are many different utility vehicle types, but general safety guidelines apply to all types. The goal of this course is to provide an overview of utility vehicle operational and safety rules. You must not drive a vehicle until you are familiar with the relevant policies of your employer and the specific features of your vehicle. Audience: Prerequisite: No prior knowledge is required. Regulatory Reference: None
Course Duration: .5 Hour(s)
Anytime your company has an accident, it could affect your workers compensation cost, regulatory compliance, and profits. An incident investigation can help you find the root cause of an accident and help prevent future accidents from happening. This interactive online course will teach you how to organize and implement an incident investigation. Additionally you will learn how you can determine the root cause of an incident. You will also learn about OSHA’s recordkeeping rules.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
In the workplace, employees may be confronted with a variety of injury and illness cases. When these occur, employees will need to determine or help determine whether or not a case should be recorded on the OSHA 300 Log for their facility. Injury records are kept to help analyze injury causes, identify potential trends, and prevent future occurrences. Failure to properly record an injury or illness may also result in an OSHA violation and citation.
Thus, it is extremely important to know and understand the OSHA rules and requirements for recording an injury or illness. This course will review the criteria for recording injuries and illnesses for OSHA purposes.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Chemicals are frequently used and stored in industrial environments. It is imperative to handle them with care and wear appropriate PPE to avoid exposure. If an accident does occur, however, safety showers and eye washes can be used to cleanse the affected area and decrease the extent of injury. Knowing use procedures, maintenance practices, and the locations of safety showers and eye washes will reduce the risk of serious injury and lead to safer conditions in the workplace.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Slips, trips and falls constitute the majority of general industry accidents. They cause 15% of all accidental deaths and are second only to motor vehicles as a cause of fatalities. The OSHA standards for walking and working surfaces apply to all permanent places of employment, except where only domestic, mining or agricultural work is performed.
This training course has 5 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course highlights the requirements in the standard for excavation and trenching operations, provides methods for protecting employees against cave-ins and describes safe work practices for employees. This training course has 8 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Welding, cutting and brazing are hazardous activities that pose a unique combination of both safety and health risks to more than 500,000 workers in a wide variety of industries. The risk from fatal injuries alone is more than four deaths per thousand workers over a working lifetime. Even with advances in control technology, welders continue to be exposed to hazardous welding fumes and gases. This course introduces basic techniques for keeping workers safe. This training course has 17 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
The body’s ability to regulate temperature, an important physiological function, can be impaired under temperature extremes and result in heat or cold related illnesses. As a result, exposure to an excess of heat or cold can cause a medical emergency. Because employees may work under conditions of hot or cold temperature extremes, they must understand the nature of heat and cold stress-related disorders and the keys to the effective management of these types of emergencies: knowing the necessary measures to prevent these problems and being able to identify and respond to these situations if they do occur. This training course has 10 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
According to Comaford, “Workplace bullying is unwelcome behavior that humiliates or intimidates a co-worker or otherwise sabotages his or her performance. Bullying can take many forms, including hostile behavior, abuse (for example, harassment, humiliation and violence), abuse of power, deception and sabotage.” Bullying is unacceptable, and types of bullying are against the law, yet it can happen in any type of workplace. This course addresses the responsibilities of the workplace and the worker, to recognize, deter, and or eliminate workplace bullying.
Course Duration: 0.33 Hour(s)
Stress is one of the leading causes for reduced productivity in the workplace. Stress can also cause worker illness to the point of missing days of work, which makes it an important issue for employers as well as employees. Stress is present everywhere decisions are made, it becomes a problem when these decisions conflict. Actions and their consequences cause stress, although not all stress is negative, a certain amount of stress is necessary to survive.
As you move through this training course, look for coincidence between the text and your life and you will be on the path to positive stress outlook. This training course has 10 learning modules with a ten- question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Workplace violence has emerged as an important safety and health issue in today’s workplace. Its most extreme form, homicide, is the fourth-leading cause of fatal occupational injury in the United States. On average, 1.7 million workers are injured each year, and more than 800 die as a result of workplace violence (WPV) [Bureau of Justice Statistics 2005; BLS 2005]. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI), violent acts made up 18 percent of all fatal work-related injuries in 2005. This training course has 10 learning modules with a ten-question exam.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
How loud is too loud? When your job requires you to be exposed to high noise levels, it is essential for you to take steps to protect your hearing. Infrequent exposure to loud noises may not be hazardous, but prolonged exposures to these noises can cause irreversible hearing loss. In this interactive online course, you will examine hazardous noise levels, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA’s, occupational noise exposure standard, and how protection equipment, such as earplugs and earmuffs, can help protect your hearing.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Slips, trips, and falls constitute the majority of general industry accidents, second only to motor vehicle accidents. They cause 15% of all accidental deaths, and are third only to motor vehicles and violence as a cause of fatalities. The OSHA standards for walking and working surfaces apply to all permanent places of employment, except where only domestic, mining, or agricultural work is performed and if appropriately applied, can reduce lost work time. This interactive online course details the OSHA standard in a practical format with easy to implement solutions to provide a workplace that is free from hazards to better protect the workplace and reduce unnecessary costs.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
How much training have you had to use, store, and maintain a ladder properly to prevent falls and injuries? Working on ladders is a necessary part of most jobs in construction, maritime, and general industry. However, the use and care of ladders are not always as easy as it appears for the worker. Training is necessary to know the tolerances of the ladder, its safety features, and how to use the ladder. There have been many reported deaths and serious injuries from improper ladder use such as falls, electrocutions, and slips. This interactive online course will give you the information needed to be aware of the hazards related to ladders and best practices for using ladders.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
In 1977, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified a condition known as Legionella pneumophila, which is a waterborne disease responsible for 34 deaths at an American Legion convention in Philadelphia. This interactive online course presents the causes and risk factors for Legionella contamination and some of the problems associated with Legionella in water systems in commercial buildings. Other topics include the ANSI/ASHRAE 188-2015 Standard and testing methodology and frequency.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Anytime your company has an accident, it could affect your workers compensation cost, regulatory compliance, and profits. An incident investigation can help you find the root cause of an accident and help prevent future accidents from happening. This interactive online course will teach you how to organize and implement an incident investigation. Additionally you will learn how you can determine the root cause of an incident. You will also learn about OSHA’s recordkeeping rules.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Workers are subject to blindness, contusions and sometimes fatal injuries, due to eye and face hazards. 90% of all workplace eye injuries can be avoided by using the proper safety eyewear. This interactive online course will teach you how to select the proper personal protective equipment for eye safety. Additionally you will learn OSHA regulations for eye and face protection. You will also learn how to properly maintain your eye and face protective equipment.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Violating Environmental, Health and Safety regulations can result in fines and even the closure of your business. This interactive online course will teach you the major regulations for general industry as it pertains to Environmental, Health and Safety. You will learn how to determine which regulations are relevant to your companies and/or industry. You will also learn what your organization can do to maintain regulatory compliance with EHS regulations.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course is designed to provide an applicable working awareness in identifying the hazards of working on or near electrical circuits, conductors, or equipment and the minimum level of safe work practices necessary to protect a person from these hazards. The course is based on the safe work practices documented in the 2015 NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace, OSHA 29 CFR 1910 Subpart S, and OSHA 29 CFR 1926 Subpart K. It is the intention of the course to provide a substantial understanding of the primary electrical hazards, typical safe work practices that should be applied when working on or near the hazards, and a systematic method for determining and selecting the correct PPE based on the type and level of exposure.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course will introduce and describe the characteristics of Triethylaluminium (TEAL). It will discuss the health hazards of TEAL and how to reduce exposure through workplace controls as well as how to mitigate danger through safe work practices and proper PPE.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course will introduce and describe the characteristics and uses of ethylene oxide (EtO). It will also discuss the health hazards of ethylene oxide and how to protect yourself with the use of respirators and other personal protective equipment. OSHA regulations on ethylene oxide will be reviewed and will include information on exposure limits and monitoring; compliance; medical surveillance; and communication. Recommendations on engineering controls, work practices, and emergency response will be provided.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Electricity travels at the speed of light, an astonishing 186,000 miles per second. This is certainly much faster than any human can react in a dangerous electrical situation. The exponential heat buildup of an arcing fault can cause an explosion in a fraction of a second, leaving destruction and death in its wake. Workers frequently exposed to live electrical equipment need to understand what an arc flash is, how it happens, and how it can be prevented. Performing an Arc Flash Hazard Analysis can help predict the possibility of an arcing fault and ensure workers are wearing the proper Personal Protection Equipment to protect them in the event of an arc flash. Understanding the hazard and how to avoid it is a matter of life and death. The first part of this 1-hour interactive online course will discuss the definition, causes, and dangers of an arc flash, the history of arc flash hazard analysis, and the governing bodies for arc flash prevention. The next part of the section will cover the components of arc flash hazard analysis and how the analysis is used to implement OSHA safety standards by determining working distances, choosing personal protective equipment, and training workers. Lastly, the course will discuss arc hazard prevention – how advances in technology are enabling workers to do remote maintenance on equipment, and how new devices may prevent arcs before they start.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
A safe means of escape is crucial when it’s necessary to quickly evacuate a building. This course will provide examples of some previous egress tragedies that well help you to understand critical means of egress requirements. You will learn how to develop an emergency action plan and a fire prevention plan that may be implemented in your facility so you can be ready if disaster strikes.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)