Online Training Catalog
Threats of cybersecurity breaches are on the rise, and agencies must be proactive in protecting sensitive corporate and personal information. Vector Solutions’ online cybersecurity training catalog features courses with up-to-date lessons for browser, email and password security to improve cybersecurity awareness amongst employees and mitigate risks to your agency’s data.
Download Vector Solutions’ Online Course Catalog for
PRISM Members
Failing to become cyber aware, failing to put measures in place that will protect our devices and network is also failing to protect our personal information, our place of business, and our customers. In this interactive online course we will discuss why classifying and safeguarding data is a priority that must not be ignored. We will also list the main types of classifications and state objectives for securing data.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
We live in a busy, busy world. When it is so easy to connect to the internet and access vast amounts of information, it is easy to forget the dangers that lie in wait. From hotspots to password management, this interactive online course will walk you through end-user best practices. We will also discuss the importance of administrative rights, define types of physical attacks against privacy, and recommend ways to protect against malwares and viruses.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
In our digital world today, attackers seem to be lurking behind every click of the mouse or tap on the screen. Many people forget that they are the keepers of their own security safety and the security safety of the institutions for which they are employed. In this interactive online course, we learn about the who, what, how, and why of security attacks. We discuss the potential losses associated with a successful security breaches by hackers and will understand the different way in which those security breaches can occur. Finally, we cover important actions you can take within your organization to limit security risks.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Social engineering is the art of extorting information from employees that can assist a hacker to breach the security of an organization and can be done by a human or it can be done digitally. In this interactive online course we will define phishing and identify common features, examples, and how to avoid phishing scams. We will also discuss identity theft and how to protect against it.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
A large number of cyber attacks target browser activity. This course provides all staff members with an overview of browser security and ways to browse the web safely. Topics include: the types of browser threats, the basics of browser security and safe browsing practices.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
The convenience of web access makes it easy to forget that we need to protect and care for our information. This introductory course provides an overview of cybercrime and cybersecurity, including the basics of cybersecurity along with the effects of cybercrime, the types of cyber threats and how users are susceptible.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Email is the primary means of attack from cyber-perpetrators. This course provides an overview of cybercrime via email, and how to employ safe email and messaging practices to avoid and help prevent cyber threats, attempts at fraud and identity theft.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course provides an overview of password security and management, including the basic principles of password security, the elements of a strong password, and strategies of how to create and maintain passwords.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Malware is a primary means of attack for cyber-perpetrators. This course provides staff members with an overview of basic protection against malware. Topics include: the types of malware, how malware works and protective strategies.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)