Quality Online Police Department Training to Keep Your Agency Safe
Vector Solutions’ robust online course catalog features engaging courses covering dozens of topics germane to law enforcement officers. Courses are put through a rigorous creation process to ensure comprehensive information that features detailed lesson plans. The end result is a well-trained and prepared police force.
This course provides an overview of the building approaches while considering the totality of the situation and your safety. It aims to provide a better understanding of the arriving officers objectives before an approach, the benefits of a stealth approach, safe approach tactics, and how to avoid the “fatal funnel” and kill zone.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Law enforcement can be a dangerous profession and survival is often predicated on proper preparation and survival tactics. Where many officers go wrong is that they assume a call is inconsequential and approach on auto pilot thereby disregarding their survival mindset. This course focuses on maintaining that survival mindset when approaching potentially dangerous people by emphasizing safe approaches, legal justifications to approach, and approach priority.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, statistics, and an array of videos of real-life encounters are utilized to offer training scenarios that assist in identifying potentially dangerous approaches and how planning can help you when dealing with a dangerous suspect.
This course provides an overview of the proper way to approach people by considering the totality of the situation and your safety. It aims to provide a better understanding of the when/then mentality, the three legal justifications for approaching people, approach priority, and the duties and responsibilities of the contact and cover officers.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Law enforcement is a dangerous profession and survival is often predicated on preparation and survival tactics, especially when approaching a vehicle. During an average year, approximately 12% of officers murdered in the line of duty are killed making vehicle contacts, and with the majority of these stops, potential danger cannot be known in advance. This course focuses on maintaining a survival mindset when approaching potentially dangerous vehicles and the tactics needed to be aware of potential hazards prior to approach.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, statistics, and an array of videos of real-life encounters are utilized to offer training scenarios that assist in identifying potentially dangerous vehicle approaches and how to protect yourself in these scenarios.
This course provides an overview of the proper way to approach vehicles while considering the totality of the situation and your safety. It aims to provide a better understanding of the circumstances for approaching vehicles, observations conducted before an approach, the types of approaches, and officer positioning upon arrival.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
One of the greatest tools a law enforcement professional possesses is the ability to influence the overall outcome of interactions. This course focuses on today’s law enforcement professionals and their ability to effectively evaluate people’s behaviors to analyze and identify deception through speech, facial expressions, and body language.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, and a wide array of videos of real-life encounters are utilized to offer training scenarios that assist in developing techniques for detecting deceptive behavior and identify various cues that someone may be lying.
This course provides an overview of the indicators of deceptive behavior and techniques to determine truthfulness. It aims to provide a better understanding of the signs of deception, conducting statement analysis, Freudian slips, and body language cues that convey hidden meanings. It is essential for law enforcement professionals to be able to determine deception and to be able to detect and interpret meaning across a wide spectrum of communication types.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
One of the greatest tools a law enforcement professional possesses is the ability to influence the overall outcome of interactions. This course focuses on today’s law enforcement professionals and their ability to effectively evaluate and identify people’s potentially dangerous behaviors.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, and a wide array of videos of real-life encounters are utilized to offer training scenarios that assist in developing techniques for detecting pre-attack indicators and body cues that can indicate danger to law enforcement professionals.
This course provides an overview of the indicators of attack and techniques to determine potentially dangerous human behaviors. It aims to provide a better understanding of danger cues through body language, unconscious indexing, verbal threats, and physical behavior that can indicate micro-aggressions. It is essential for law enforcement professionals to be able to identify pre-attack indicators as the safety of all involved is paramount in all situations.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
One of the greatest tools a law enforcement professional possesses is the ability to influence the overall outcome of interactions. This course focuses on today’s law enforcement professionals and their ability to effectively evaluate others through non-verbal communication and body language to make informed decisions and inferences.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, and a wide array of videos of real-life encounters are utilized to offer training scenarios that assist in developing techniques for reading people’s unconscious thoughts and actions via body language cues and responses.
This course provides an overview of the six main non-verbals used by law enforcement professionals to determine underlying messages and unconscious communication. It aims to provide a better understanding of the types of non-verbal communication, methods of reading another person’s body language, meaning behind various facial expressions, and learned versus innate behavior.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
One of the greatest tools a law enforcement professional possesses is the ability to influence the overall outcome of interactions. This course focuses on today’s law enforcement professionals and their ability to effectively evaluate others through non-verbal communication and body language to make informed decisions and inferences.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, and a wide array of videos of real-life encounters are utilized to offer training scenarios that assist in developing techniques for reading the totality of people’s body language, spoken words, and behavior in any given situation.
This course provides an overview of all types of unconscious communication to allow law enforcement professionals to be aware of subtle changes in behavior and body language that can convey essential information.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
During this course, the concentration will be on three of the most significant aspects of leadership. The course will also define leadership and the core competencies for any individual to be successful, especially in today’s law enforcement environment.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Studies have found that more law enforcement officers are killed and injured in and around their vehicles than by felonious assaults. To drastically reduce these numbers, a cultural shift must occur when it comes to roadway activities. This course focuses on distracted driving, the types of distracted driving and the devasting consequences for law enforcement that can result not paying attention while behind the wheel.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, statistics, and an array of videos of real-life encounters are utilized to offer training scenarios that assist in identifying potential distractions and how to avoid those distractions to prevent unnecessary injury or even death.
This course provides an overview of the various distractions a law enforcement professional will encounter while behind the wheel and how to avoid those distractions. It aims to provide a better understanding of the types of driving distractions, the technology incorporated into emergency service vehicles that contribute to distracted driving, and how to avoid distraction while driving through visual, manual, and cognitive means.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Course Duration: Hour(s)
Course Duration: Hour(s)
Law enforcement is a demanding profession, and the job can take a toll on any law enforcement professional, both mentally and physically. This course focuses on the potentially fatal dangers police officers face every day in the form of felonious assaults, roadway incidents, lack of physical conditioning, and not addressing mental health issues.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, statistics, and an array of videos of real-life situations are utilized to offer training scenarios that identify potentially fatal situations, how being aware of your surroundings in these situations can help minimize the dangers you could potentially face, and how to prepare yourself to deal with potentially fatal encounters.
This course provides an overview of the four major areas that put officers at risk of injury or death and how to minimize exposure to those fatal dangers. It aims to provide a better understanding of the importance of physical fitness and the impact poor physical health can have on the life expectancy of police officers. It also explores the prevalence of officer suicide, the indicators of potential suicide that may be presented, and how to help. Due to the nature of the job, potentially fatal encounters are an inevitable part of being a law enforcement professional, and it’s essential to understand how best to approach these situations.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Law enforcement is a demanding profession, and the stressors of the job can take a toll on any law enforcement professional. To effectively manage stress, you must understand what stress looks like, what triggers your stress, and the difference between acute and chronic stress. This course focuses on the fundamentals of stress, how you feel when you’re stressed, and how stress can affect you on the job.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, statistics, and an array of videos of real-life situations are utilized to offer training scenarios that identify the difference between good stress and bad stress, how stress can affect your fight or flight response, and how you can practice for stress to use it to your advantage.
This course provides an overview of the stress response in humans and how it is designed to deal with threats. It aims to provide a better understanding of the biological factors of stress and how it can affect your body. It also explores the four (4) “F’s” of the flight or fight response and how your biology can trump training in these moments. Due to the nature of the job, stress in an inevitable part of being a law enforcement professional, and it’s essential to understand what triggers your stress and how it can affect you.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Law enforcement is a demanding profession, and the stressors of the job can take a toll on any law enforcement professional. To effectively address stress, you must understand the phases of stress, and how to prepare and work through both acute and chronic stressors. This course focuses on how to mitigate stress through the three phases of stress, the circle of control, and what your body needs after stressful events.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, statistics, and an array of videos of real-life situations are utilized to offer training scenarios that identify how to stack the deck in your favor against stress, how fatigue greatly impacts decision-making, and how to move forward after stressful events.
This course provides an overview of how to mitigate stress and how to recover both mentally and physically after stressful events. It aims to provide a better understanding of the circle of control and the difference between control and influence. It also explores how physical fitness and fatigue can directly affect how you handle stress and the devastating effects of chronic stress on an officer’s health. Due to the nature of the job, stress in an inevitable part of being a law enforcement professional, and it’s essential to understand how to effectively deal with stress in order to minimize or mitigate its negative effects.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Numerous case studies, scientific research, statistics, and an array of videos of real-life situations are utilized to offer training scenarios that assist with channeling both the warrior and guardian mindsets and how they are applied to a wide range of circumstances.
This course provides an overview of Sir Robert Peel’s Nine Principles of Policing and how they tie into the guardian and warrior mindsets. It aims to provide a better understanding of how these mindsets can be mutually exclusive and how effective training can be used to increase public trust. It also explores the phrase “Guardian Heart, Warrior Spirit” and the training aspects of knowing when to switch from one mindset to the other.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Numerous case studies, scientific research, statistics, and an array of videos of real-life situations are utilized to offer training scenarios that assist with identifying the inherent issues with explicit, implicit, illicit and racial biases and how they can be applied unconsciously to a potential suspect.
This course provides an overview of implicit bias and the differences between bias and prejudice. It aims to provide a better understanding of the four types of biases and how bias influences situations in law enforcement. It also explores the rise of implicit bias and how both confirmation and observational biases can affect job performance.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
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One of the greatest tools a law enforcement professional possesses is the ability to influence the overall outcome of interactions. This course focuses on today’s peacekeeper and their ability to effectively evaluate others – and by means of interaction – make sound decisions that result in safe and successful resolutions.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, and a wide array of videos of real-life encounters are utilized to offer training scenarios that assist in developing techniques for dealing with people during all types of interactions to de-escalate potentially volatile situations.
This course provides an overview of the interaction skills needed by law enforcement professionals to successfully de-escalation situations. It aims to provide a better understanding of the seven principles of interaction, de-escalation and conflict stages, and potential pitfalls to avoid during any human interaction.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
One of the greatest tools a law enforcement professional possesses is the ability to read a suspect and detect deception during interviews. This ability allows the interviewer to detect unconscious thoughts and actions from the suspect that they would rather keep hidden. This course focuses on the ability to effectively read people’s behaviors, speech, facial expressions, and body language in order to conduct effective interviews.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, and a wide array of videos of real-life scenarios are utilized to offer training scenarios that assist in developing techniques for reading human communications, both verbal and non-verbal, and detecting deceptive behavior.
This course provides an overview of what to watch for when you’re reading people and the indicators of deceptive behavior. It aims to provide a better understanding of how to effectively interview and interrogate a potential suspect, including how body language can reveal unconscious thoughts and feelings that can convey hidden meanings. It is essential for law enforcement professionals to be able to determine deception and to be able to read and interpret meaning across a wide spectrum of communication methods.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Law enforcement is a dangerous profession, and exceptional leadership is essential to ensure department safety and success. To be an effective leader, you must understand the people you intend to lead and ensure that the vision you represent is effectively communicated. This course focuses on finding the leader within yourself and the necessary leadership skills required to excel in accomplishing your department’s goals.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, statistics, and an array of videos of real-life situations are utilized to offer training scenarios to identify the skills all great leaders need to have, and the training necessary to ensure your leadership principles are not compromised by stress.
This course provides an overview of leadership skills in law enforcement and the three principles of legitimacy. It aims to provide a better understanding of how stress can affect decision making and the difference between diverted and focused stress. It also explores how to balance citizen service and officer/citizen safety through extensive training. With leadership in law enforcement always evolving, it is crucial to understand the training required to be an effective leader.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Law enforcement is a demanding profession, and a positive organizational culture is essential to creating a motivating environment that enforces a sense of purpose. To effectively motivate a group of officers, you must have their trust and recognize that they are your greatest resource for creating a successful department. This course focuses on how to effectively foster a motivating environment while being aware of bureaucratic roadblocks that may hinder your efforts.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, statistics, and an array of videos of real-life situations are utilized to offer training scenarios that identify how the right culture is essential to motivation, and the obstacles that bureaucracy creates which can sap an officer’s motivation to be their best.
This course provides an overview of what is needed to motivate a group and how the right culture can make or break a department. It aims to provide a better understanding of the bureaucratic roadblocks that can affect law enforcement professionals and how they can be used to beat the desire and motivation out of an officer. It also explores the three (3) basic drives of the workforce and how self-determination theory can be applied to law enforcement. Motivation is a key factor in any successful organization, and it becomes even more important with the difficult job law enforcement professionals have to perform every day.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
In law enforcement one of the most difficult and consequential decisions an officer has to make is whether or not to use lethal force. These decisions are often made under intense stress and need to be made in the blink of an eye but carry long-lasting effects. This course focuses on situations where officers needed to make a shoot or don’t shoot decision and the consequences of their actions.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, and a wide array of videos of real-life encounters are utilized to offer training scenarios that show situations where officers need to make lethal force decisions and how the perspective of the officer affects the outcome of these encounters.
This course provides an overview of the limitations of body cameras in these situations and how effective training can prepare an officer when these encounters occur. It aims to provide a better understanding of potential danger cues, such as micro-gestures and facial expressions that can indicate that an officer may need to use lethal force. It also explores the responses officers can have in these situations and how they select the response that works best for them in the moment.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Studies have found that more law enforcement officers are killed and injured in and around their vehicles than by felonious assaults. To drastically reduce these numbers, a cultural shift must occur when it comes to roadway activities. This course focuses on roadway dangers that include everything from operating motor vehicles on patrol, pursuits and emergency responses to positioning on stops, directing traffic and assisting on accident scenes.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, and an array of videos of real-life encounters are utilized to offer training scenarios that assist in developing techniques for identifying roadway dangers and how to prevent unnecessary injury or even death.
This course provides an overview of the various roadway dangers a law enforcement professional will encounter over the course of their careers. It aims to provide a better understanding of your responsibilities behind the wheel of a vehicle, pursuit policy, and appropriate decision making while on the roadway.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
One of the greatest tools a law enforcement professional possesses is the ability to influence the overall outcome of interactions. This course focuses on today’s peacekeeper and their ability to effectively evaluate others – and by means of communication – make sound decisions that result in safe and successful resolutions.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, and a wide array of videos of real-life encounters are utilized to offer training scenarios with the goal of understanding the various types of human interactions and how being aware of these “truths” can further your overall professional goal.
This course provides an overview of human interactions and the importance of truly understanding what these interactions intimate. It aims to give law enforcement professionals a better understanding of the types of interactions, meaning behind verbal and non-verbal cues, the importance of making people feel valued and the avoidance of career-ruining mistakes.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Gaining control of a threatening subject is a lifesaving skill for law enforcement officers. Arrests and subject confrontations can be dangerous, even fatal in some cases.This course reviews basic subject arrest and control techniques that are designed to keep law enforcement officers safe while effectively gaining control of the subject.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Due to the rapid growth of computer technology and the increase in potential online threats, computer security must be understood by every user. Failure to fully comprehend these issues can lead to loss of data and theft of personal and financial information. The increasing importance of computer technology and the information contained and transmitted by computers used both at work and at home make it essential for every computer user to learn about computer security, the problems computer usage can present, and the actions that can prevent breaches in computer security.
This training is specifically designed to increase computer safety awareness, ensure online security, and protect all valuable information stored on computers. Remember — security is every computer user’s responsibility!
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course will review the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights as it relates to the field of law enforcement. Emphasis will be given to amendments of the constitution that specifically target the way law enforcement carries out their job duties, including the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth.
This course will concentrate on the amendment that most defines our profession: the fourth amendment. Special consideration and emphasis will be on relevant court cases and case law that has defined and shaped the profession, both traditionally and in modern society.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Critical incidents such as active shooter or hostage situations, bomb threats, and terrorist-related incidents are the most challenging and most dangerous incidents in law enforcement. Officers may be called upon to put their lives on the line or to wait and contain, providing support to special weapons and tactics (SWAT) personnel and other specially trained emergency responders.
This course provides a general overview of critical incident response. It discusses the fundamental considerations and procedures for critical incidents, including those that require rapid deployment.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Severe physical violence has been used by an intimate partner against one in four women in the U.S. Domestic violence is a significant problem in society and presents a unique set of challenges to law enforcement. Abusers can be threatening and unpredictable at the scene. Officers need to protect the victim, any children, and themselves. To do so they need to understand the unique factors that contribute to domestic violence and the psychological and emotional influences that impact behavior in such incidents.
This course provides a general overview of domestic violence. Topics covered include understanding the psychologies of abusers and victims, breaking the cycle of violence, and identifying crimes commonly associated with domestic violence. Discussion also focuses on scene safety, conducting the on-scene investigation, criteria to determine whether to make an arrest, and strategies for protecting the victim.
DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this course is not intended to be used in lieu of professional legal advice. It should not be used to solve a legal problem. Always consult a qualified attorney or trained law enforcement professional for answers to specific questions. Additionally, laws and policies may vary in different jurisdictions and users are instructed to comply fully with all federal, state, and local laws and policies, even if they may differ from the information presented in this course.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Drug trafficking is a major problem all throughout the country. Law enforcement officers are valuable assets and have the ability to capture drugs in transit and interrupt drug operations. Drug interdiction operations require officers to always be attentive and actively searching for the next big bust. Vigilance, attention to detail, passion for their job, and integrity are essential elements that make an interdiction officer successful.
This course provides officers with a guide for detecting drug trafficking. Tactical ways of obtaining more information and evidence that will lead to busts are also provided along with safety tips.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Narcotics investigation is one of the most dangerous activities in law enforcement. The stakes are high and the consequences are severe. Drug criminals are often armed and willing to use violence to protect themselves and their drug business. The challenging task of law enforcement officers is to uncover vital intelligence, apprehend all suspects, and stay safe during all aspects of the operation. This course provides an overview of drug investigation with an emphasis on conducting operations in an effective manner while mitigating the inherent risks involved.
The course discusses aspects of search and seizure laws that apply to drug investigations and prepares officers to be able to identify drugs and drug lab operations as well as understand undercover operations. It also reviews the importance of listening, recognizing body language, analyzing vehicles and drug-related sites, and recognizing when the dope is not likely there.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
One of the greatest tools a law enforcement professional possesses is the ability to influence the overall outcome of interactions. This course focuses on today’s peacekeeper and their ability to effectively evaluate others – and by means of communication – make sound decisions that result in safe and successful resolutions.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, and a wide array of videos of real-life encounters are utilized to offer training scenarios with the goal of understanding improving your de-escalation techniques and conflict resolution skills.
This course provides an overview of the essentials of de-escalation and conflict resolution. It aims to give law enforcement professionals a better understanding of the importance of effective communication skills to defuse potentially volatile situations.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Allegations of excessive force can have a significant impact on the personal life and professional career of a law enforcement officer. They can also contribute to distrust between the law enforcement agency and the community it serves.
This course provides a general overview of excessive force incidents, with particular emphasis on prevention. Various topics are discussed, including distinguishing excessive force from reasonable force, theories on causes of excessive force, legal issues, and responding to allegations of excessive force.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Gang activity continues to increase nationwide. As agencies grapple with this growing problem, personnel face the need to master an increasingly important skill: the ability to understand the inner workings and ideologies of gangs. The hardcore gang member operates by a different philosophy that the rest of society, one that places loyalty to the gang above all else. Understanding the social dynamics and motives that compel gang operations is critical to preventing gang violence.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
In the most recent survey of law enforcement, the U.S. Department of Justice found that there are nearly three-quarters of a million gang members in the U.S., representing nearly 30,000 different gangs or sets (2009). Gangs are found in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and all U.S. territories. Law enforcement data show a continued migration from urban areas to suburban and even rural communities. Due to the pervasiveness of gangs and their propensity for criminality, detecting the presence of gangs and identifying gang members is critical for protecting citizens and preventing crime.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course reviews the fundamentals of policies and procedures and why they are crucial to the operations of law enforcement agencies. The need for clear and concise policies and procedures will be discussed, with examples of the impact from a lack of proper policies and procedures.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Split-second decisions are a fact of life in law enforcement and can mean the difference between life and death. This two-part course examines several scenarios with multiple outcomes based on the actions law enforcement officers take and the reactions of the suspect.
Part one allows the students to visualize what they would say, how they would react, how they would use cover, and what they would be observing. Part two continues by asking students to examine using and maintaining distance, using time as an advantage, engaging and disengaging, and using non-lethal or lethal force.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Law enforcement officers’ job requirements are challenging in many ways, but one obstacle that is often overlooked is officer fatigue. Police officers work around the clock, and these hours, along with the already dangerous job tasks they must perform, can lead to sleep loss. Loss of sleep leads to decreased alertness, deterioration of performance, health issues, and ultimately compromised safety on the job. According to the Tired Cop study, 44% of police officers reported acting in an unsafe manner or taking unnecessary risks due to fatigue. Additionally, this study concluded that police officers are more fatigued than other occupational groups due to their strenuous work environment.
This course will focus on officer fatigue by examining the causes and effects of fatigue, the physiological factors that underlie fatigue, the ways that fatigue can impair officers as they perform certain tasks, and fatigue management strategies that officers can implement into their daily lives to improve performance.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Law enforcement personnel have a unique and powerful responsibility. They are the only civilians entrusted with the authority to use force to maintain law and order. This authority also comes with a grave responsibility, namely to use it as safely as possible and to limit its application to the extent that is required to control an immediate threat.
The use of force when it is not lawfully deemed necessary is a crime and is punishable as a felony in many states. To use force lawfully, officers need to understand the criteria that make the use of force legitimate, and the importance of applying neither too much nor too little force to obtain the compliance of the subject.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Workplace violence has emerged as an important safety and health issue in today’s workplace. Its most extreme form, homicide, is the fourth-leading cause of fatal occupational injury in the United States. On average, workplace violence accounts for 1.7 million injuries and 800 deaths per year [Bureau of Justice Statistics 2005; BLS 2005]. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, assaults and violent acts represented 18% of all fatal work-related injuries in 2009. Death or injury should not be an inevitable result of one’s chosen occupation, nor should these staggering figures be accepted as a cost of doing business. By recognizing the signs of potentially violent behavior and taking steps to protect yourself, you can help prevent violence in your workplace.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
The initial booking and intake of prisoners into a local lock up facility can set the tone for inmate behavior. This course examines procedures to ensure proper initial intake.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
How do correctional facilities affect the community? Because of some common misperceptions, sometimes the public reaction can be one of concern. If for no other reason, they know that large concentrations of criminals will be housed there. Therefore, positive community relations become essential.
This course examines the relationship between the community and a correctional facility and examines community correctional programs – or half-way houses.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
In any correctional facility, law enforcement officers are surrounded by people who have lost control of their environment. Inmates will do whatever it takes to regain control, including con games. Lieutenant Glenn Revell of the San Diego County, Calif., Sheriff’s Department explains how inmates will try to con you, the dangers of being conned, and how you can keep from being taken in.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
A key element of law enforcement is control. Whether officers are controlling inmates, controlling suspects, or controlling situations, losing control means losing the advantage. In this course, verbal judo creator Dr. George Thompson shows how an officer’s mouth may be their best weapon, and Lt. Gary Klugiewicz outlines a disturbance resolution model that will keep officers in control.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Corrections has been largely ignored when it comes to homeland security. Inmates have the potential to be future terrorists, and the next terrorist threat to the United States may be an inmate from a local facility. This course focuses on how to spot terrorist and extremist activity within detention facilities, and methods of counter-terrorism that can be employed by correctional officers.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Law enforcement administrators don’t get fired because of crime rates. They get fired for scandal. A law enforcement agency doesn’t become corrupt overnight. Research shows it is a gradual process with clearly defined steps along the way. In this course, Neal Trautman, Director of the National Institute of Ethics, outlines the four phases of the Corruption Continuum, and explains how you can keep your department on the right track.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
F. Lee Bailey was known as a judicial prize fighter who jabbed relentlessly at witnesses during cross- examination. But simply testifying in a court of law can be a stressful ordeal for an officer without Bailey asking the questions. This course examines how to handle questioning by defense counsel effectively.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
As more and more women move into the corrections profession, officers are faced with the ever- increasing problem of cross gender supervision. Among other things, the sexual privacy of inmates becomes an issue. Day-to-day operations and searches of inmates are covered in this program, as well as preparing a jail crisis response plan.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Most departments follow a “catwalk” method of watching over their inmates, but is that giving them enough interaction? This course discusses the benefits of a direct supervision approach to managing prisoners.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Correction personnel are confronted with critical problems surrounding gang activity every day. This course examines the areas of gangs in jail, how best to deal with them, and how to establish a jail recreation program that satisfies the public, the inmates, and the courts.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Supervising inmates at a correctional facility is no easy task. Today’s changing environment requires that officers must be aware of a multitude of factors. This course examines discipline, balancing an inmate’s religious beliefs with security procedures, and how to handle privacy concerns as cross-gender supervision becomes more commonplace.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Good searches of inmates and cells are essential to the safety of any correctional facility but may also turn up any evidence of any planned escapes. In this course, Samuel F. Saxton from the Dept. of Corrections in Prince George’s County, Md. discusses proper search techniques and their importance.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Occasionally, correctional employees find themselves compromised by their own actions. In such incidents, employees find that they must differentiate their personal and professional relationships. Produced by the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center for the Federal Bureau of Prison, this course examines integrity in the workplace as it relates to correctional facilities.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Awareness is a key element of your any law enforcement or corrections job. This course discusses how being aware of both the messages conveyed during day-to-day activities and the everyday weapons available to inmates can help resolve potentially dangerous conflicts.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Do you have the inside information on gangs in your correctional facility? Do you know how to recognize the signs of gang organization? In this course, Thomas R. Barry examines the role of gangs behind bars, gang rules, how to combat the gang, gathering information on gangs, and psychological tactics for dealing with gangs.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Suicide is the number one cause of death in our nation’s jails. The suicide rate in correctional facilities is nine times that of the general population. There are no quick fixes. This course examines how to implement an eight-step process to reduce the risk of suicide in your facility, and steps for avoiding and responding to close-quarter sudden assaults.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
The risks associated with housing juvenile offenders and adult offenders in the same correctional facilities were identified roughly 100 years ago. Children were subjected to unspeakable atrocities in adult jails and were returned to society as hardened criminals.
This course discusses how and why juvenile offenders develop differently than non-offenders, how corrections officers can better supervise juvenile offenders, and how to deal with violent juvenile offenders.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
What happens to children convicted of felonies? How are they incarcerated? Can they be helped? In this course, judges, legal counsel, law enforcement officers, and academic experts examine the trend in the U.S. toward trying children as adults and discuss efforts being made to understand their violent behavior.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Medical situations raise a variety of concerns for correctional institutions. The institution must avoid deliberate indifference by showing active measures to address the problem. However, the institution must also consider the validity of the medical issue, or the possibility of a diversion. This course addresses procedures for handling different types of medical emergencies in and out of the correctional facility.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
The challenges facing corrections in the new millennium are many and varied. Not the least of which are how to handle the issue of the mentally handicapped and properly handling prisoner escorts. In this course, American Correctional Association President Richard Stalder examines where corrections has been and where it is going, emphasizing the treatment and housing of the mentally ill. Also, Captain Gary Klugiewicz of the Milwaukee County Sheriff Department walks through the steps of a safe prisoner escort and the dangers that await an officer or deputy who doesn’t escort a prisoner correctly.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Why is there a need for law enforcement officers to have professional communications skills? Studies show that over 97 percent of situations that officers find themselves in are verbal, and yet the majority of training officers participate in is physical.
In this course, Milwaukee County jail staff discusses and then demonstrates the importance of communication in the penal environment, including initial contact, disturbance resolution, physical intervention, and debriefing skills.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Following standard operating procedures isn’t the only thing that determines the safe operation of a correctional facility. In this course, former FBI special agent Dick Ayers examines the issues of stress reduction and morale improvement among corrections workers, as well as the role of the correctional employee as a first responder.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
In the close quarters environment of a correctional facility, self-defense tactics are vitally important. If attacked a law enforcement officer often has no place to retreat to await backup. In this two-part course, defensive tactics specialist Phil Messina introduces Tactical Jaw and Limb Control.
Part one examines how to end a physical confrontation quickly using physiokinetics and time framing. Part two explains the pause reflex and how it can offer that critical second or two necessary to end a confrontation.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
The Bill of Rights guarantees the people the right to worship freely. But what if an individual’s right to worship conflicts with department policy? This course examines three U.S. Supreme Court cases regarding use of force and religious freedom.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Something as simple as handing a bag lunch to an inmate can present an opportunity for an attack against an officer. This course examines how to identify key officer safety elements relevant to violent attacks, and translate the lessons learned from the re-creation into training and preparation exercises.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Youth gangs aren’t just an inner-city problem. According to a recent survey, over 60 percent of law enforcement agencies have reported gang activity in their communities. The U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention is stressing comprehensive community-based approaches to reducing youth gang violence. This course looks at three such programs.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
This course provides guidance for police officers who drive vehicles on the job, describing post-accident procedures such as who to call, what information to provide and collect, and what forms to complete. Information is also provided regarding what officers can expect to be carried out by their department during the accident investigation and which corrective actions could be recommended to prevent similar accidents in the future. Likewise, the course also discusses strategies for responding safely to unexpected vehicle emergencies, such as a mechanical failure. Equipping a vehicle with an accident kit and emergency supplies is also part of the recommended preparation strategies, as well as some tips on preventing the major causes of accidents and emergencies.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
In 2005, 848,000 crashes in the U.S. occurred under rain, sleet, or snow conditions, and although there are far fewer vehicles on roadways at nighttime, over half of all vehicle crashes involving fatalities occurred in dim or dark lighting conditions. Certainly, environmental conditions play a significant role in vehicle crashes. The most unfortunate aspect of such collisions is that oftentimes they are entirely preventable. Environmental conditions that can affect driving include weather, visibility, and road surface quality. All of these require drivers to be able to respond appropriately and adjust their driving performance to make sure the vehicle handles safely under the conditions present.
This course reviews these environmental conditions and explains the required driver responses to ensure safe vehicle operations.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Various kinds of vehicles are used by law enforcement officers. Each type has unique dimensions and mechanical components. Being familiar with these can help make vehicle operations safer.
This course reviews the various vehicle types used in law enforcement, highlighting the unique features of these vehicles as well as the distinct handling requirements required for safe operation. An overview of safety enhancements, Police Package Vehicles, lights, and sirens is provided. The culmination of these discussions centers on applying the knowledge gained to reduce crash risks.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Speeding is a contributing factor in nearly one-third of all fatal crashes. Since 1995 the number of deaths and injuries attributed to speed have continued to rise. Technological advances in vehicle safety and passenger protection have not been able to prevent the thousands of needless deaths each year from speed-related crashes. Therefore, it is essential for all law enforcement officers to understand the dangers associated with speeding whether they are on duty or off the clock using their own vehicles.
The best solution to the problem of speeding is to make drivers aware of the problem and to equip them to drive at safe speeds, which are the two main objectives of this course. Various topics are covered in this module, including what factors influence drivers to speed; what risks arise from excessive speed; how speed affects stopping distance; what economic costs stem from speeding and aggressive driving; how to avoid becoming involved in a collision with a speeder; and what factors to consider in choosing a safe speed for vehicle operation.
This course focuses specifically on the dangers of speeding. Speeding during police pursuits is covered in a separate course, Police Pursuit Driving.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
A worker is more likely to suffer fatal injury while operating a vehicle than any other job activity. The need for enhancing safety when driving cannot be understated. Unfortunately, improving one’s own driving ability does not guarantee safety on the roadway. No matter how safe a driver is trained to be, he or she cannot control the behavior of other vehicle operators. Encountering unsafe drivers is an inevitable part of every driver’s experience.
This course is aimed at preparing drivers for encountering potential hazards on the roadway. It follows a three-fold approach by encouraging drivers to anticipate, recognize, and respond to driving hazards. Within this framework, topics covered include principles of defensive driving, the need for driving defensively, practical instruction on how to drive defensively, instruction on maintaining a safety zone perimeter around the driver’s vehicle, and effective stopping distance.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Studies have found that more law enforcement officers are killed and injured in and around their vehicles than by felonious assaults. To drastically reduce these numbers, a cultural shift must occur when it comes to roadway activities. This course focuses on distracted driving, the types of distracted driving and the devasting consequences for law enforcement that can result not paying attention while behind the wheel.
Numerous case studies, scientific research, statistics, and an array of videos of real-life encounters are utilized to offer training scenarios that assist in identifying potential distractions and how to avoid those distractions to prevent unnecessary injury or even death.
This course provides an overview of the various distractions a law enforcement professional will encounter while behind the wheel and how to avoid those distractions. It aims to provide a better understanding of the types of driving distractions, the technology incorporated into emergency service vehicles that contribute to distracted driving, and how to avoid distraction while driving through visual, manual, and cognitive means.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course highlights the steps police officers can take to protect themselves while driving on the job. It describes the dangers associated with driving on the job and the driver’s responsibilities when operating an organizational vehicle or a personal vehicle on organizational business.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course aims to review the fundamentals of driving law enforcement vehicles. Using contemporary examples and statistics, the need for training on this subject is emphasized. Factors to consider in route planning are also reviewed. Special attention is given as well to proper start-up procedures, fundamentals of safe driving, defensive driving, and pursuit driving.
For optimum effectiveness, this course should be used in conjunction with real-world behind-the-wheel training and should not be considered a substitute for actual driving experience.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
The purpose of this course is to encourage safe driving practices among police officers, reduce departments’ costs due to incidents caused by impaired driving, and educate drivers on the factors that contribute to impaired driving. Driving is a common task required of many people nationwide and even a small increase in safe driving practices can reduce the number of accidents and, most importantly, save lives. Due to the widespread nature of the alcohol-impaired driving problem, special attention has been given to this problem.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course highlights the principles and practices police officers must consider for safely navigating through various types of intersections and examines the potential risks associated with operating a vehicle at intersections. The course describes best practices for intersection safety and encourages the adoption of key safety practices to reduce vehicle-related crashes at intersections.
The course is divided into two sections: Lessons 1-10 review basic intersection safety, and Lessons 11-13 discuss intersection safety when responding to an emergency.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course reviews legal aspects of police emergency vehicle operations, including appropriate vehicle procedures based upon federal, state, local, and organization regulations. It also reviews the need for compliance with traffic laws and appropriate conditions for exemption. Legal terms and principles discussed include due regard, true emergencies, negligence, and liability.
Because each state is different, and each department’s protocols may vary, personnel are encouraged to seek competent legal advice concerning any questions regarding these issues. This material is provided as general information and does not constitute legal advice. Consult an attorney for advice concerning specific matters.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
There is no doubt that technology has changed our lives for the better in multiple ways; however, for law enforcement officers, technology becomes a matter of saving lives.
This course discusses technology pertaining to police vehicles. It examines the components that currently exist in police cruisers and how they function. It also explores some of the technological advances in the law enforcement industry pertaining to police vehicles that aim to make a safer work environment for officers.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Every day a person dies as a result of a police pursuit, and that number could be even higher. The full number of police pursuits nationwide and of their associated damages, injuries, and fatalities is difficult to determine. Regardless, it is clear that pursuits present a high degree of risk to officers, to those being pursued, and to the general public. To mitigate these risks, officers must receive proper training on safe pursuit driving.
This course focuses on increasing awareness of the risks inherent in pursuits and pursuit driving. It also suggests ways of minimizing these risks. The various legal precedents and criteria for pursuing and terminating a pursuit receive prominent attention. Tactical maneuvers, strategies, and methods are also covered.
The material in this course is not intended as a replacement for behind-the-wheel training. Rather, the material is best used in conjunction with such training, as it can provide a context where the course content can be directly applied.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course focuses on the various safety precautions and techniques for backing safely in a number of situations. Topics such as safe backing procedures, backing with a trailer, blind spots, adjusting mirrors, and parallel parking are covered.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Regularly inspecting a vehicle for problems and following a schedule of routine maintenance are critical to ensuring safety and prolonging the life of the vehicle. Unfortunately, however, the majority of vehicles on the road are not properly inspected or maintained. A recent national survey found that at least 80% of vehicles are not adequately maintained and have at least one component needing attention (Car Care Council, 2007). This not only means that most vehicles on the roadway are not operating under optimally safe conditions, it also suggests that drivers do not recognize the need for following a regular schedule of inspecting and maintaining their vehicles.
A vehicle that is not regularly inspected and maintained will gradually degrade in performance, use more gasoline or diesel, and increase the chances that future repairs will be more costly. An inadequately maintained vehicle also produces more pollution, which can reflect negatively on the organization owning the vehicle.
This course focuses on the responsibility of police officers to inspect their vehicles and maintain them in good working condition. Critical and pertinent topics are covered such as what to inspect, how to document inspections, the cost-saving benefits of properly maintaining a vehicle, how to check tire pressure, and how to identify common vehicle problems before they contribute to costly major mechanical failures.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
An unfortunate reality that every police officer must deal with is the security and protection of patrol vehicles. According to the FBI, a vehicle is stolen in the U.S. every 26.4 seconds, and law enforcement vehicles are not exempt from theft. In addition to vehicle theft, a surprising amount of other causes of damage and loss of property, as well as injury and fatality to law enforcement personnel, is sustained every year due to patrol car incidents. Greater attention to security and safety measures of protection should be implemented to effectively curb this trend, contain the losses, and save lives.
This course is dedicated to educating law enforcement officers and improving patrol vehicle safety and security. Receiving particular emphasis in this course are the areas of preventing vehicle theft and enhancing the personal safety of vehicle occupants. Regarding vehicle security, topics covered include, among others, how to secure a vehicle safely when parking, what security devices can be installed to enhance protection, and how to follow a comprehensive “layered” approach to vehicle security. Vehicle safety is also featured prominently in this course, and topics such as safety tips for protecting vehicle occupants from injury in a collision and properly using vehicle-equipped safety devices are discussed.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Since the terrorist attacks on U.S. soil in September 2001, agencies are increasingly realizing the threats posed by weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). Understanding the basics of WMDs, including their categorization, detection, effects, and the incident command system employed to combat them is important for line-level officers in every agency. This two-part course provides the officer with a context within which to understand weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). It also focuses on pathogens and toxins, the two major categories of biological weapons, providing an overview of the weapons/agents that fall into each category.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Since the terrorist attacks on U.S. soil in September 2001, agencies are increasingly realizing the threats posed by weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). Understanding the basics of WMDs, including their categorization, detection, effects, and the incident command system employed to combat them is important for line-level officers in every agency. This two-part course provides the officer with a context within which to understand weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). It also focuses on pathogens and toxins, the two major categories of biological weapons, providing an overview of the weapons/agents that fall into each category.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
In recent years, it has become increasingly evident that public safety organizations are vulnerable to a variety of threats – natural, accidental, and manmade. The critical infrastructures first responders depend upon are also vulnerable. Applying countermeasures is the key to protecting critical infrastructures such as personnel and cyber property.
In this first course, hear what experts say about the importance of applying countermeasures to critical infrastructures and how to do it in your community. The second course provides a basic description of how you should conduct a vulnerability analysis on the critical infrastructures your agency depends upon to accomplish its organizational mission, including critical infrastructures (CIs) that may be outside your agency’s span of control. Finally, the third course provides an overview of the second and fourth steps of the Critical Infrastructure Protection Process (CIPP). Specifically, you will learn how to determine threats that may jeopardize agency/community critical infrastructures (CI) and key assets and you will learn how to assess risk.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s) for MOD #1 & #2, 0.5 Hour(s) for MOD #3
The September 11, 2001 attacks against the U.S. have forced both the citizens of this country and the public service agencies that serve them to confront the possibility of a terrorist attack involving weapons of mass destruction (WMD). A chemical, biological, radiological/nuclear, or explosive/incendiary attack would pose unprecedented challenges for police, fire, emergency medical services (EMS), and emergency management personnel. This series prepares the student from law enforcement, fire, and emergency medical services (EMS) to understand the coordination requirements and importance of an integrated emergency management and incident command system when responding to hazardous materials and weapons of mass destruction (WMD) threats and occurrences.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s) Each
To gain a better understanding of search and seizure, it’s worth reviewing the origin of the Fourth Amendment and what initiated the need. The creators of the United States Constitution sought protection for citizens against unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. Perhaps no other amendment had grown out of the experiences and frustrations of the colonists than the ability of the British government’s ease to enter and search a citizen’s home for contraband. Numerous cases and their outcomes have been used to examine the issues of search and seizure throughout this course.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
With high-profile cases like Rodney King, George Floyd, and Tyre Nichols highlighting the devastating consequences of inaction, it’s imperative that officers understand their legal and ethical responsibilities to prevent such incidents. This interactive online course addresses the critical issue of a law enforcement officer’s duty to intervene when witnessing excessive force or misconduct by fellow officers. The course covers the definition of the duty to intervene, how to recognize excessive force, and the steps officers must take to de-escalate and address misconduct. Additionally, it explores the serious legal and civil consequences of failing to act and provides tools for self-regulation and intervention.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Allegations of excessive force can have a significant impact on the personal life and professional career of a law enforcement officer. They can also contribute to distrust between the law enforcement agency and the community it serves.This course provides a general overview of excessive force incidents, with particular emphasis on prevention. Various topics are discussed, including distinguishing excessive force from reasonable force, theories on causes of excessive force, legal issues, and responding to allegations of excessive force.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
The ability to conduct swift yet constructive decision-making is essential to executing any action taken against individuals who may appear to be acting suspiciously. Police are often forced to make split second judgements in circumstances that are tense, uncertain and rapidly evolving about the amount of force that is necessary dependent on the situation. In the case of Graham v. Connor 490 us 386 (1989), we witness the officer’s use of force analyzed under the Fourth Amendment “objective reasonableness” standard and the incapability of providing precise definition or mechanical application when considering the opposing party. This course provides an overview of this specific case that not only supports the warrior aspect an officer must possess but understand the significance of the guardian aspect and the balance between the two characteristics— surrounding the decision to apply force and post incident.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
One of the greatest tools a law enforcement professional possesses is the ability to influence the overall outcome of interactions. This course focuses on today’s peacekeeper and their ability to effectively evaluate others – and by means of interaction – make sound decisions that result in safe and successful resolutions. Numerous case studies, scientific research, and a wide array of videos of real-life encounters are utilized to offer training scenarios that assist in developing techniques for dealing with people during all types of interactions to de-escalate potentially volatile situations.This course provides an overview of the interaction skills needed by law enforcement professionals to successfully de-escalation situations. It aims to provide a better understanding of the seven principles of interaction, de-escalation and conflict stages, and potential pitfalls to avoid during any human interaction.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
A popular, non-lethal option for law enforcement officers is “Oleoresin Capsicum,” commonly known as O.C. or pepper-based sprays. In this two-part course, police training specialist Ed Nowicki demonstrates how effective pepper sprays can be by spraying officers who then describe the effects it is having on them. If not used incorrectly, however, O.C. sprays can have very harmful effects.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This course will define stress and its causes for law enforcement officers. Specifically, it will focus on the physiological response caused by prolonged stress in today’s difficult environment, as well as the stress response that occurs during a high-stress event. It will also present suggestions that can be implemented by individuals or departments to help officers deal with stress, so they can continue to work effectively and compassionately to protect and serve their communities.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Law enforcement officers must know when and how to use restraints, considering factors such as the subject’s cooperation, special circumstances, the type of restraint, and agency policies. This interactive online course reviews essential procedures for using various law enforcement restraint devices. The legal liabilities and thorough documentation of restraint use are critical components of proper restraint application. Officers should only use approved restraints and techniques to avoid potential death, injury, or legal liabilities.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Women have been serving as sworn officers for nearly a century. But only recently have law enforcement agencies begun to examine the impact of gender differences on job performance. Twenty- year law enforcement veteran and training consultant Kat Kelley looks at some of the equipment and training issues addressing officer safety.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
In this course, we will discuss and analyze a variety of different techniques when the officer is attacked with deadly force while confined in or around a motor vehicle and must keep himself and the public safe. Modern police vehicles can provide sufficient cover when involved in a gunfight with an assailant. The topic of “Close Quarters Vehicle Battle (CQVB)” is a new discipline of instruction that is now being taught at police academies and in-service classes throughout the country.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s) Each
On April 20, 1999, two students at Columbine High School located in Columbine, Colorado, committed one of the worst mass killings in the history of the United States. The students, later identified as Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, killed twelve students, one teacher, and wounded twenty-one others. At the time, the Columbine massacre was the deadliest high school shooting in United States History. Harris and Klebold fired over 180 rounds and detonated multiple homemade bombs during the shooting spree. Columbine may be the initial incident to change law enforcement response to a mass killing in progress but, with every mass killing, law enforcement agencies continue to work on prevention and preparation for potential future incidents.
Course Duration: 2 Hour(s)
This course will discuss effective communication skills: what they are and how to achieve them. Emphasis will be given to skills that you, as a patrol officer, can use to be effective in your communication with others: including victims, witnesses, suspects, the community, or even your supervisors. Effective communication is one of the most important “tools” that a public safety practitioner can have on their “tool belt.” Every public safety official needs to be able to communicate effectively with the people that they deal with on a daily basis. This course will discuss the mindset, techniques, and best practices used to achieve effective communication while policing. You will learn ways to speak to people that will allow you to effectively accomplish important tasks—whether your tasks involve placing someone under arrest, rerouting traffic, gaining appropriate crime details, or some other policing objective. Special consideration and emphasis will be on techniques to allow you to actively listen and gain compliance in difficult situations.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Bloodborne pathogen (BBP) exposures occur every day, and you may not even notice. Workers who frequently handle blood, bodily fluids, materials contaminated with blood or bodily fluids, and medical waste are exposed to BBP infections at a higher rate than the general working population.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
One of the greatest tools a law enforcement professional possesses is the ability to influence the overall outcome of interactions. This course focuses on today’s law enforcement professionals and their ability to effectively evaluate others through non-verbal communication and body language to make informed decisions and inferences. Numerous case studies, scientific research, and a wide array of videos of real-life encounters are utilized to offer training scenarios that assist in developing techniques for reading people’s unconscious thoughts and actions via body language cues and responses. This course provides an overview of the six main non-verbals used by law enforcement professionals to determine underlying messages and unconscious communication. It aims to provide a better understanding of the types of non-verbal communication, methods of reading another person’s body language, meaning behind various facial expressions, and learned versus innate behavior.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
During this course, the concentration will be on three of the most significant aspects of leadership. The course will also define leadership and the core competencies for any individual to be successful, especially in today’s law enforcement environment.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
This two-part course explores crimes against children, focusing on law enforcement’s role and collaboration with other agencies involved in child victim cases. Part one emphasizes the history of child abuse, defining what constitutes abuse, and recognizing its signs. Part two covers interviewing techniques and investigation methods specific to crimes against children, addressing challenges and providing guidelines for effectively handling these cases. You will learn strategies for interacting with child victims to achieve successful prosecution.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) is a comprehensive, integrated multicomponent crisis intervention system. While born of the emergency services professions, CISM has found success when applied to mass disaster settings, schools and hospitals. This course explores CISM pre-crisis planning, education, and intervention methods; discusses critical incident stress debriefing and defusing; and takes a closer look at symptom mitigation through communication and family support.
Course Duration: 1.5 Hour(s)
Responding to a domestic disturbance is one of the most common calls that patrol officers will have. It can be a challenge identifying the primary aggressor, but domestic violence isn’t limited to adults. Children are part of the equation as both psychological and physical victims. The first module reveals several steps to help law enforcement officers first determine who is the primary aggressor, and then how to interview and deal with children as eye and ear witnesses to a crime. The second discusses how to properly identify the primary aggressor in a same-sex situation, and then what happens after you make the arrest.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s) Each
When responding to an emergency or chasing a suspect, safe driving can easily take a back seat to emotion and adrenaline. And hazardous, unanticipated road conditions make it even tougher to drive safely. This course discusses the various circumstances in which an officer operates a patrol vehicle and the unique hazards that surround such operation.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
By the end of this course, you will be able to:Describe different pursuit techniques Explain the roles of key personnel during a pursuit Describe important radio-communication techniquesDescribe the basic steps of documentation and report writingDescribe technological advances and assistive devices used in pursuitsAssess the risk versus benefit of a pursuit decisionExplain the main causes of vehicle-pursuit collisions Recall findings from relevant court cases.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
The Ethical Decision Making for Law Enforcement course explores the importance of ethics and ethical decision-making for law enforcement officers. It acknowledges the challenges officers face in navigating complex situations where the “right” decision may not always be clear. The course discusses the internal and external factors that motivate officers to behave ethically and emphasizes the significance of public perception and trust in law enforcement agencies. Through the analysis of scenarios, case studies, and topics that influence ethical decision-making, participants will develop a deeper understanding of ethics in the context of law enforcement. By the end of the course, participants will be able to define ethics, discuss decision-making models, analyze the impact of truthfulness in law enforcement, examine various ethical dilemmas, and explore other factors that shape ethical decision-making.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Law enforcement is a demanding profession, and the job can take a toll on any law enforcement professional, both mentally and physically. This course focuses on the potentially fatal dangers police officers face every day in the form of felonious assaults, roadway incidents, lack of physical conditioning, and not addressing mental health issues. Numerous case studies, scientific research, statistics, and an array of videos of real-life situations are utilized to offer training scenarios that identify potentially fatal situations, how being aware of your surroundings in these situations can help minimize the dangers you could potentially face, and how to prepare yourself to deal with potentially fatal encounters.This course provides an overview of the four major areas that put officers at risk of injury or death and how to minimize exposure to those fatal dangers. It aims to provide a better understanding of the importance of physical fitness and the impact poor physical health can have on the life expectancy of police officers. It also explores the prevalence of officer suicide, the indicators of potential suicide that may be presented, and how to help. Due to the nature of the job, potentially fatal encounters are an inevitable part of being a law enforcement professional, and it’s essential to understand how best to approach these situations.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
The overall health and wellbeing of a person has been said to be the foundation of a productive life. All of us have heard the statistics from various sources pertaining to first responders and the greatly reduced life span they potentially face. In this course, we’ll discuss and analyze the overall fitness and wellness of the major systems of the human body. Additionally, we’ll discuss what first responders can do to improve their overall health and wellness, along with addressing important mental-health topics. As with any information pertaining to this topic, it is imperative that you consult with your physician before any changes are made.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
It is essential for every officer to be knowledgeable about mental health issues, the symptoms of common mental health diagnoses, and how to interact with people exhibiting those symptoms. This interactive online course discusses mental health with an emphasis on information that patrol officers can use to recognize and identify individuals with mental health issues or those in a mental health crisis. This course reviews common mental health conditions, the symptoms of those conditions, and available resources. You will learn how to identify a person in a mental health crisis and understand the resources available for those with mental health issues.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Law enforcement personnel are constantly facing situations that test their personal values and moral character. As an enforcer of what is right and wrong, you are expected to adhere unquestioningly to the standards that you enforce. This course outlines 10 behaviors that will absolutely cost an officer their badge. It also identifies the governing bodies that have authority over officers, and examines the standards for commissioning, licensing, and decertifying a peace officer.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Law enforcement officers deal with many different types of encounters. Some require the use of force, while others necessitate effective communication. Understanding and employing appropriate communication styles can be the key to de-escalating situations and avoiding the need for force. This interactive online course will explore various methods to handle conflicts through active listening and de-escalation techniques, focusing on the importance of communication in mitigating interactions.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
By integrating medical training into law enforcement practices, this course addresses the shift towards expecting officers to be first responders in critical situations, enhancing survival chances and public trust. This interactive online course provides essential medical training for law enforcement officers, focusing on Basic Life Support (BLS) principles to enable immediate lifesaving interventions at emergency scenes. Officers will learn to stabilize patients, conduct primary assessments, and manage common medical emergencies until advanced medical teams arrive. Emphasizing the importance of scene safety and proper patient handover, the course equips officers with practical skills to handle medical situations effectively.
Course Duration: 1.5 Hour(s)
In today’s society, command and supervision levels of police administrations and the front line police officer must be familiar with policy and procedures of the department, applicable state and federal law, and best practices for protecting yourself and your agency from civil monetary claims and lawsuits. Every agency and each individual officer must be conscious of their own liability and the possibility of an individual seeking compensation for acts committed by officers while enforcing the law and keeping the peace in their jurisdictions. Even the most defendable lawsuit can be costly and divert funds needed for the agency budget. This course examines several practical ways in which you can reduce your risk through effective liability management.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
Because of the increased complexity and responsibilities of the criminal justice system, report writing has become a very important part of every law enforcement officer’s job. Unfortunately, for most officers it is also one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish. In fact, a juror once asked, “Why do police officers write and speak like they don’t want you to understand? What do they have against straight talk?” In this course, Dave Smith describes the formula for writing reports while incorporating the applicable principles of constitutional law.
Part II: Lt. Sam Ragland of the University of Arizona Police Department developed a formula for writing reports while incorporating the applicable principles of constitutional law. In this three-part course, LETN’s Dave Smith discusses parts of this formula, including arriving on the scene and report writing, report construction, and using informational blocks in developing reports.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s) for Module 1, 1.5 Hour(s) for Module 2
An officer’s most common and dangerous public contact is through the traffic stop. Law enforcement officers know that there are no “routine” traffic stops, as each stop encompasses unidentified risks through every vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian contact. A variety of reasons exist for law enforcement officers to stop a vehicle, but the most common is a traffic code violation. This interactive online course aims to educate officers on mitigating risks during traffic stops using statistical analysis and discussing various traffic stop tactics.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
To gain a better understanding of search and seizure, it’s worth reviewing the origin of the Fourth Amendment and what initiated the need. The creators of the United States Constitution sought protection for citizens against unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. Perhaps no other amendment had grown out of the experiences and frustrations of the colonists than the ability of the British government’s ease to enter and search a citizen’s home for contraband. Numerous cases and their outcomes have been used to examine the issues of search and seizure throughout this course.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
With the increasing amount of calls to schools in recent years, more and more agencies are installing school resource officers (SRO) on site. In addition to improving response times, SRO programs are providing even more benefits to schools, law enforcement agencies, and the communities they serve. This course identifies the benefits of installing SRO in community school systems, and examines the benefits to qualify an agency for such a program.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
While leadership theories have been studied by researchers for years, one style, called servant leadership, is becoming increasingly popular in the field of law enforcement. As the name implies, in servant leadership, it is your job as leader to serve those under your management. This course will discuss and analyze the servant leadership philosophy and its application in law enforcement. Proper application of this philosphy empowers both mangers and their subordinates. It can improve a supervisor’s leadership skills while increasing subordinate confidence, morale, and productivity.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
An officer can be a handy tool for an individual contemplating suicide. The subject knows the police are only a phone call away from any location, and they know that officers are trained to deliver deadly force. The suicide-by-cop subject also knows that they can provoke a situation where the officer will be forced to shoot them. If the officer recognizes known indicators early in a confrontation, the officer may use specific tactics in an impending suicide-by-cop incident.
This course looks at pre-incident indicators of potential suicide-by-cop events based on hundreds of incidents studied by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
An officer’s most common and dangerous public contact is through the traffic stop. Law enforcement officers know that there are no “routine” traffic stops, as each stop encompasses unidentified risks through every vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian contact. A variety of reasons exist for law enforcement officers to stop a vehicle, but the most common is a traffic code violation. This interactive online course aims to educate officers on mitigating risks during traffic stops using statistical analysis and discussing various traffic stop tactics.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
The economic and political climates in the United States have historically contributed to a rise in violent activity by extremist groups and an increase in hate crimes. Hate crimes target individuals based on race, gender, religion, sexuality, or political affiliations, while extremist groups often carry out violent attacks against government entities and law enforcement officers. This interactive online course aims to equip law enforcement officers with the knowledge to understand extremist ideologies, recognize signs of extremist activities, and respond appropriately to hate crimes.
Course Duration: 1 Hour(s)
In this course, we will discuss and analyze a variety of different techniques when the officer is attacked with deadly force while confined in or around a motor vehicle and must keep himself and the public safe. Modern police vehicles can provide sufficient cover when involved in a gunfight with an assailant. The topic of “Close Quarters Vehicle Battle (CQVB)” is a new discipline of instruction that is now being taught at police academies and in-service classes throughout the country.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Law enforcement officers are trained to defend themselves with firearms and other weapons. But statistics show that their mouth may be the most important defense of all. Studies have shown that 90 percent of a law enforcement officer’s duties involve some type of verbal interaction or communication skill.
In this two-part course, Dr. George Thompson introduces the art of “Verbal Judo.” He examines the proper use of verbal techniques to reduce potential conflicts, emphasizing an officer’s vocal tone, pace, pitch, and voice modulation.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)
Since the terrorist attacks on U.S. soil in September 2001, agencies are increasingly realizing the threats posed by weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). Understanding the basics of WMDs, including their categorization, detection, effects, and the incident command system employed to combat them is important for line-level officers in every agency. This two-part course provides the officer with a context within which to understand weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). It also focuses on pathogens and toxins, the two major categories of biological weapons, providing an overview of the weapons/agents that fall into each category.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s) Each
Law enforcement is a dangerous profession and exceptional leadership is integral to ensure department safety and success. In the past, men have traditionally held the leadership roles in law enforcement, but with more women entering the profession every day it is essential and beneficial to have more female leadership. This course focuses on presenting qualities that women possess that makes them superb leaders and the necessary leadership skills to excel in the law enforcement profession. Numerous case studies, scientific research, statistics, and an array of videos of real-life situations are utilized to offer training scenarios to identify the skills all great leaders need to have, and the qualities women possess that set them apart from their male colleagues.
Course Duration: 0.5 Hour(s)